View Full Version : TMI... Does anyone else get Mucus when they have a BM?

10-05-13, 10:44
I would really really appreciate some advise on this. I have been diagnosed with IBS a few years ago. However I was never sure if it was or just anxiety - i get a lot of indigestion and feel horrid before I pass wind. Lately when I go to the toilet for a BM when I wipe (sorry tmi) there is clear mucus on the tissue, not every time but quite often. Is this anything to worry about??

Any comments will really help. Thanks :) xxx

---------- Post added at 10:44 ---------- Previous post was at 10:05 ----------

I googled this as I know its not a symptom of BC. It listed chrons and ulcerative colitis. My dad has Ulcerative colitis and I know I don't have any of the other symptoms and I am not ill with this. xx

10-05-13, 10:59
I get this but then I do have Crohn's

10-05-13, 11:15
I guess what Im wanting to know is whether it should be of any concern or whether i should put it down to IBS symtoms? If its not BC chrons or ulcerative colitis do i really have anything to worry about? I do also suffer from piles xx

10-05-13, 11:20
I've never been diagnosed with IBS, but I get this at times too.

10-05-13, 11:28
Thanks for your reply! Im glad to hear other people get this too! I think im just worrying about it now due to the horrid feeling i get in my abdomen before I pass wind. Its almost like when you have diarrhoea but as soon as i pass wind it goes right away. Im sure this like all the other ''life threatening ilnesses'' will probably be nothing! xxx

10-05-13, 13:36
I to was told I probably have ibs I get this with every bowl movement I have sometimes its mostly just this when I wipe I have alot of it last year I sent my motion of for screening because I thought I had bowel c but everything came back ok xx

10-05-13, 15:38
Aw thank you! that's really reassured me! Its harder when i always think is IBS actually real? as it cant actually be diagnosed! xx

12-05-13, 16:09
I think I'm going to have to come to terms that this us not going away :( I'm sure I would be ill if it was anything serious or in pain wouldn't I!? Xx

12-05-13, 17:20
Yes, this is very common in IBS. IBS is real, but it basically means they don't know what the problem is, but acknowledge that you have one. That's why it's so variable, because people who have it basically all have different forms that medical science does not yet understand.

12-05-13, 17:48
Thanks for your reply! I think I struggle more as my Ibs is very mild I often forget about it... Until now! I dread going to the loo! But I refuse to go running to my go again xx

12-05-13, 20:40

I've had IBS on and off for years and the mucus was something that sent me running off to the doctors. Apparently it is really common with IBS and just a symptom of inflammation/irritation in the bowel.

If it goes on then I would go to the doctor as they gave me some tablets for it which were fantastic and really worked.

13-05-13, 05:11
Also, you can get clear mucus during prior to ovulation so check where its coming from because it might not be your bowel at all, especially if it happens at the same time each month.

13-05-13, 08:21
I have checked and its most definitely my bowel and its also been happening for about 2 weeks.

I'm glad you mentioned yours is on and off munchlet cause I'm pretty sure that's how mine is. Besides the indegestion I forget I have it xx

Kitty Cat
31-05-13, 10:55
I've had IBS all my life stated when I was 7 and got school phobia. You don't say how old you are, but this is one of the classic signs of IBS, so PLEASE don't worry. I've had this lots and though its a bit alarming and sometimes messy (apologies for being graphic!) its is just the natural lubricant from your lower bowel and is NOTHING to worry about.!!

Sending you a ((hug))
Kitty Cat