View Full Version : visions problems, can it be sinus's

27-09-06, 07:17
hi every1

ive been suffering with my sinus's for nearly 2 months now, anyway i had my eyes tested on monday they were fine but i keep seeing bright spots, like when u look at the sun, i get so so scared, yesterday i got so scared i actually thought i was gonna fall over, my eyes have been aching alot more than usual, its under my eyes, my temples and around the top of my nose, feels like pressure,
i bloody hate this, i wanna try steam has any1 got any tips rather than sit with a jug of water under my face lol

i hate these vision problems i think it scares me more than any other
leanne xx

i just wanna feel normal

27-09-06, 09:55
it can be sinus's as the preasure from your sinus's can create 'achin eyes' like feeling. Im the same when i have a flu and i get all blocked up, ya'know those cartoons where they show characters with the flu, they look dained and theyre eyes are all saggy and puffed out, thats me!

Have you tried some form of aromatherapy? theres a oil that you can use with inhalation and it clears the sinus's. i dont know the exact name of it, but im sure someone will come alon and let you know, in the mean time ill look at my natural hgealing and alterantive medicine book for some suggestion for you.

Becci x

27-09-06, 09:57
thanks becci that would be much appriciated,
take care
leanne x

i just wanna feel normal

27-09-06, 10:03
ok, i have my little book!

It says....apply a warm compress and take a steam inhalation with fresh rosemary or thyme.

It also suggest to eliminte cows dairy and esure good alternatives, and have plenty of warm drinks.

Weirdly, it also points out to hum! it says, it will clear the sinus's and is especially useful if theres congestion. plus it works out the lungs.

Hope this helps

Becci x

27-09-06, 10:06
ohh cheers becci

im gonna try all those, im sitting her humming lol

thanks again hun

leanne x

i just wanna feel normal

27-09-06, 10:09
no worries! im more of a natural remedies person myself so i went out and bought 3 natural remedies and alternative health books. theyre always good for a few tips and natural cures.

Hum away!
