View Full Version : This sounds so stupid but I need some help...

10-05-13, 13:21
Hi guys,

Anyone who has read any of my posts knows that my HA is centred around bowel cancer. I have ibs and at the end of last year had an anal fissure which caused 3 episodes of slight rectal bleeding. I'm on 100mg of sertraline and on the waiting list for my second round of CBT.

Anyway, my current fear is that I not only have bowel cancer but that it has advanced into my lungs and kidneys. My chest feels tight, I have occasional chest and upper back pain and my left side aches when I stretch. I do some pretty hardcore fitness but I don't know if I've injured myself. I also have a very big 9 month old baby and am not getting much sleep which doesn't help...I also became anaemic after childbirth and until very recently was on iron tablets.

So basically I want to know if I had advanced cancer would I know? It's obsessing me and I'm going on holiday tomorrow which I'm dreading as its away from my doctor who is amazing and my total safety net : (

Advice welcome and needed, thank you xxx

10-05-13, 13:31
Im sorry to hear your having such a horrible time at the minute, im 110% sure that if you had advanced cancer you would definitely know about it. You also said how nice your GP was, so im sure they would also have sent you for tests if the thought anything at all was wrong :)

By the way, you don't sound stupid we all have these thoughts and we all need reassuring, thats why we are here :) xx

10-05-13, 19:20
But how do I know that the things I feel now aren't cancer? I don't feel really ill, I just don't remember when I last woke up and felt normal, where something didn't ache or tingle or bother me in some way.

I feel hopeless...

10-05-13, 23:10
None of us really know if it is anything serious, that's what health anxiety is. There's no way of knowing ourselves so we have to try rely on our doctors. I'm the same I always feel there is something wrong I hate it xx but I'm never right xx