View Full Version : Miffed!!!

10-05-13, 17:23
I posted a comment at 10:15am today and there's not been one reply.

Don't know how many replies I've done for people, but not one for me.

Not good

10-05-13, 17:49
Hi Shakey
Sorry you didn't get a response. I did read your post earlier.
I can't relate in terms of your underlying health problems but I do know how disheartening it can be when you've been doing really well then get an attack of the wobbles. Like you I do sometimes get struck down out of the blue. One minute I'm feeling on top of the world then out of nowhere that old stomach drop, thumping heart and light headedness appears.
It may well be related to some bug or virus you could be starting with. I think you are right not to dwell on it and start analysing. Easier said than done I know.
I hope this is just a temporary blip for you and that you soon feel calm again.
Take care
Sal x

10-05-13, 18:19
Thanks Sal. It was over by lunch time, but I'm really tired today, aching legs and burning feet. Could be something physical.

On my guard but not going to brood on it

Thanks for the reply

10-05-13, 19:03
Shakey, all your other threads got answers. Not every single thread gets answered on here, that's just the nature of forums.
Sounded like a typical panic attack, sometimes it can be something very tiny and insignificant that can start it, but the catastrophisation carries it away to the next level.

10-05-13, 19:21
Hi Pancho. You're right all my other threads got answers. Perhaps I'm just under the weather. Get grumpy when tired.

Sorry folks

10-05-13, 19:56
Chin up shakey! Glad your feeling bit better now though.

10-05-13, 21:36
Shaky hope your feeling better.