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View Full Version : Colonoscopy/ Klean - prep

10-05-13, 18:35
Hi guys im going in for a colonoscopy tomorrow so today i have the privladge of having to drink klean-prep :( i was wondering if anyone else has done this and if its normal to drink 2 of the 4 sachets and not have bowel movements

10-05-13, 18:57
Blimey you are lucky lol

10-05-13, 19:54
If you haven't eaten much the past day or so, there may simply be nothing to pass. But you should still be passing any liquids you are drinking.

I had a different medication when I had my colonoscopy, and I had only 2 sachets. It doesn't always start straight away, but if you don't get anything, then you need to let them know as there is a possibility of it not working.

Hope it all goes smoothly for you tomorrow!