View Full Version : So many things... being alone/GP/sleeplessness

10-05-13, 19:21
Ok, so if you haven't read any of my posts, here's a quick update...
I've had GAD for a couple of years, mainly for a driving/travelling phobia. This I coped with by avoidance.
In February my anxiety spiralled and affected my sleep big time and I became terrified at night. I live on my own, so things seemed a thousand times worse. I was signed off work a couple of times and I've been staying with my parents more and more. I live in Bristol, they live in Weston.
I was made redundant in April and since then I've been living with my parents in order to survive basically - I was having strong suicidal/self-harm feelings at that time. My sleep is still really bad, although I can cope with it knowing there's someone else in the house.

I've been putting things off, but finally plucked up the courage to talk to the Benefits people yesterday. I'm not ready to look for work, so I'm looking at ESA. I've never done anything like this before so haven't got a clue what to do. I was told I need a sick note from the doctor.
I spoke to the doctor this afternoon, and she said that this has been going on a long time, and should get better soon. She's told me to get CBT on the NHS, but they've been really rubbish, and I've been waiting since February. My GP said that the therapy WILL help, and that she'll sign me off for a month. I've been doing online CBT and reading self-help books, but so far it hasn't fixed things.

So of course I'm worrying about how I'll feel in a month's time - assuming I'll have started therapy by then. Will I ever be able to live on my own again - will therapy correct my thinking so I can go back to normal? At the moment, the thoughts of being on my own is terrifying, but equally I can't understand it as I've done this successfully for the last 10 years or so!!

Does anyone living on their own feel like this, is it possible?

10-05-13, 20:26
Hi yes, I can completely relate to this! I've been divorced for 8 years and lived alone, with my child, with no probs. Just recently, since I've been going through my current anxiety state, I'm afraid to be alone, and have also become afraid of lots of things that I've not been afraid of previously.

You will get better, and when you do, you wont be afraid anymore. Its just the adrenaline, making us feel afraid. There is nothing to fear in reality. x

10-05-13, 20:57
Thanks Violet, that's really reassuring :)
Sue x