View Full Version : panicking about lupus

10-05-13, 19:42
I made a thread a little while ago about a rash i had come up on my chest, neck, cheeks and chin and how the doctor said it could have been an allergic reaction to some eye drops i'd begun taking as the rash came up at the same time. The rash went down after i stopped taking the drops but my chest is still slightly red, kinda like scarring and today my cheek began to burn again and has reddened. I started reading up on lupus and i'm panicking that I have it; Mainly because of the redness on the cheeks and how sun exposure makes it worse. I am having a complete freak out about it, does anyone suffer from lupus or know anything about it? I really am convincing myself its what it is.

10-05-13, 19:50
I am currently being tested again for lupus, have you had blood tests? the majority of cases of lupus according to the rheumatologist I see, show up in blood tests. (ANA and ESR are usually raised). The lupus rash is very distinctive and your GP would recognise it and send you to a specialist if he suspected anything. Lupus also has loads of symptoms , the rash being only one of them. Lots of things besides lupus can cause redness and a rash like this, so I would not worry too much. If your GP is not concerned then you should not be either. Take Care.

10-05-13, 20:01
I just had a blood test but that was testing my glucose, liver function and a full blood count. Would that be the type of blood tests needed? I had a viral infection a few weeks ago that was pretty bad and needed hospital attention so the tests are just checking to see if everything has gone back to normal. I have quite bad health anxiety so at the first sign of anything happening, I'm straight on google which I know is a terrible thing to do!

10-05-13, 20:42
ANA is a specific kind of blood test , not usually done routine. I definitely would not google it is the worst thing people like us with HA can do. If you have had other blood tests and they are normal then I would feel pretty reassured, perhaps the rash will go in a few days , if you are still worried then you could check with your GP.

15-05-13, 10:19
I had a blood test done in the hospital a couple months ago and it showed Inflammation but because I had a sore throat and a virus at the time, they put it down to that. Now I am concerned its because of Lupus. A gland in my neck has swollen and is painful and I feel extremely tired but I don't feel like I have a cold or anything. I am in a complete and utter panic! I don't know how to talk to the Gp about it, I'd feel stupid walking in there like HELP I THINK I HAVE LUPUS.

15-05-13, 11:58
In all honesty if that's how you feel that's what you have to say. That's what Ive started to do and at least they know what your fears are and can reassure you. I think they prefer you to be upfront with them because if you don't mention the word lupus chances are you wont get the reassurance you are looking for because its probably not that and therefore wont cross the docs mind! If that makes sense.