View Full Version : Dental phobia

purple to black
10-05-13, 22:43
Hey folks I was just curious to know if anyone has overcome their fear of the dentist and how they did it. I've had toothache now off and on for about 6 months and its got to the point where it needs fixing I can't go on like this. What makes it worse is I also have a morbid fear of meds so I can't even take any pain relief : ( my main concern about the dentist is the numbing agent in the injection as its a foreign substance in my body even though I've had it before and was fine! I have an appt again on Monday and I'm sure my dentist is getting a little tired of me going ans not going through with the extractions (having said that she is very lovely and understanding for the most part) any advice would be massively appreciated : )

10-05-13, 23:09
Have you thought about sedation? I have a massive fear of the dentist but managed to go recently, having not been for a couple of years. I had a filling the other day and was nervous but coped fine. However the dentist mentioned sedation as he thinks this might be a better option for me, particularly if I ever need a tooth out.

I suppose if you're fear is a foreign body in you then this may not help! But apparently you don't remember much after, which I think must be great!

purple to black
11-05-13, 10:25
Thank you for replying. The only problem with sedation is you have to be referred ro the dental hospital and that can take weeks also I think they have to take your bp and they have a terrible time getting a reading from me as my anxiety is always so high. I hope what im imagining it to be like is worse than it actually will be : )

11-05-13, 10:51
Yes there is a wait for referral. I don't know what to suggest, other than think how many people have the anaesthetic and are fine. For me the issue is having the bits in my mouth which makes me gag, so the dentist put a dam in so nothing went in. It was brilliant! I can't see a way round the anaesthetic though. Are you worried about a reaction or something?

purple to black
11-05-13, 17:32
Yes it's a fear of being allergic even though I've had it before and I've read about it and apparently there are no known cases of severe allergies to it so that should give me comfort. I just can't keep putting it off though. Face the fear I guess is what I'm going to have to do : )

11-05-13, 19:00

I can relate to this fear of allergic reaction completely.

I had to have a filling 2 weeks ago. I hadn't had an anaesthetic for so long, way before my health anxiety started.

So i got in there and he put the injection in, and i immediately started to panic and get anxious that something was going to go wrong and i'd have an allergic reaction.
My tongue went a bit numb which made it a bit difficult to swallow (i have a bit of trouble with swallowing sometimes, like i can't swallow even though i can) so this made my anxiety increase massively and was fuelling my anxiety about having an allergic reaction further, i thought this was an allergic reaction and i was going to have my face swell up or something. Then my mouth went numb (which its supposed to) and i got fearful it was going too numb and spreading too far.

I was really panicking at this point and so i sat up and had a drink, but then the anxiety was sooo high i almost fainted because i went white as a sheet, sweating like mad, vision went funny....so i quickly lay back down and rested.

The dentist was soo kind and supportive, he re-assured me the whole way that everything i was experiencing in the injection was normal, he said the tongue will go slightly numb because of where he had to put the injection, the numbness i was experiencing was up to the point in my face where it was expected and he said to me that he wouldn't start until i was ready. All the way through the procedure he stopped every 15 seconds or so because of my anxiety and the fear of not swallowing, choking or gagging on spit or something. He also said if i wanted him to stop at any point just raise my hand.

After about 25 mins of fear my anxiety did reduce and by the end of the filling (an hour!!) i was much much much calmer. i realised i had gotten myself into a state over nothing and although i felt annoyed at myself, i felt good that i had gone through it.

my advice is to go in their, be sure to tell the dentist your fears and anxieties and as you say...face the fear. one thing i've learned that if you try something your afraid of it usually not not as bad as you think, and once you've done it you come away feeling a sense of achievement knowing you've pushed yourself to do something scary, gone through it and walked away unharmed.

If you've had anaesthetic before, i'm pretty sure you'll be fine this time too :)

Good luck and i hope you'll be okay.

purple to black
11-05-13, 23:24
Aww thank you. I'm sure I'll be the same I often think I can't swallow too especially when eating I have to have a drink with all my meals. I'm hoping it's not as bad as I think and my dentist is lovely so fingers crossed it's making me miserable just thinking about it I could cry especially as I currently have other health issues going on and am waiting for a hospital appt for it : ( anxiety needs to do one and not control my life I hate it!!!

purple to black
13-05-13, 22:51
Argh I just can't do it I'm almost at the point of panicking just thinking about it today, I'm wondering if it's because I started my period. I feel so worn out and miserable lately : (

13-05-13, 22:53
When's your appt?

purple to black
14-05-13, 10:15
My check up appt is the 22nd but im suffering like mad with toothache and I just dont know what to do. Been before to my dentist with it and I freaked out and wouldnt let her near me. I dont pay for denfal treatment so she never got paid either and didnt look too happy im such a loser and just cant see a way out im scared of everything and get no help at all. I had cbt it finished and they just chuck you out basically and I got told I wouldn't get anymore help unless I took my pills which I need help in doing. Its a vicious circle for me at the moment and the last 5 years :((

17-05-13, 13:37
I've had severe fear for the dentist as well.. My teeth were in a horrible state due to some problems at childhood with meds that broke down my enamel.

At one point it was so bad that it couldn't be rescued any more, so I needed total extraction. It took me years to do it. At one point I actually found a dentist that was great in talking me trough it. I went every time with a lot of fear and panic (and with my boyfriend because I sure as hell didn't dare to go alone). And he only went as far as I agreed on that time. Sometimes that meant I would only let him look in my mouth, sometimes he would be allowed to take a tooth out...

It took a long time but in the end I gained trust in dentists back and I now have a wonderful smile again.

Previous to finding this dentist I tried so much things. (Take a bunch of valium/Hypnosis/Just wait untill the pain is unbearable) But in the end of the day, the clue was finding a dentist that understood me and was willing to work with my limits. By respecting my limits I felt safe and was willing to expand them.

18-05-13, 15:45
Sorry to hear you're having such a tough time at the moment.

I had toothache, which they thought was sinus related, then at easter I had terrible pain. I am able to take painkillers, but none of them worked at all. I got a friend to drive me to out of hours surgery where they prescribed antibiotics. Since then I had more antibiotics because it was still infected.

I went to my dentist, who is really lovely, and was going to have work done but couldn't go through with it. She has referred me for sedation which I am having on Monday, and very anxious!

I can take diazepam night before and in the morning, but a dental/medical phobic friend of mine had wisdom teeth out under sedation and said it is fine. My husband is taking me there and bringing me home.

Sadly, I can't help much, only give my sympathy and understanding for your situation. The people at the sedation clinic are used to dealing with anxious/panicky patients and say they allow as much time as each person needs.

Also, I do find that when I have my period I am much more anxious... strange but true. Maybe its the extra hormones?

Hope you manage to get it sorted. :hugs:

18-05-13, 18:01
Insomniac - please will you let me know what happens with the sedation? I've been referred for it but no date through yet. My dentist said you don't remember anything and just feel calm.

purple to black
19-05-13, 00:26
Thank you for the replies. I'm sure it will all go well on Monday, but do please let me know how you get on. I'm not sure I would be eligible for it in light of my bp reading not being accurate as I freak out lol. Sending positive thoughts your way insomniac :hugs:

---------- Post added at 00:26 ---------- Previous post was at 00:25 ----------

Oh and I STILL have toothache : ( grrrrr! Why can't life just be straightforward??!??

19-05-13, 17:39
lizzie29 and purpletoblack - I will do. I may not post on Monday if I'm too sleepy, but will aim for Tuesday and hope I'm more with it. Thank you for your kind thoughts. I just hope I'm brave enough to go through with it. I'm pretty anxious today.

I'm going to try to think positive and that they will not do anything until I am ready, and I can be certain I am numb in body & brain!

purple to black
19-05-13, 22:38
Positive thinking is a good way to go. I wish now I had tried it when I had the chance as this toothache is wearing me out. Good luck for tomorrow :hugs:

20-05-13, 15:44
I hope all went well Insomniac! Lots of hugs for you and I hope you feel better afterwards!

21-05-13, 07:55
Well I have to say that is the way to go if you need a tooth taken out!

I was nervous the night before (and days before), so I took 5mg diazepam before sleep, and then another 1 hour before the appointment.

My hubby drove us to the clinic, where everyone was really calm and kind. There was no overwhelming smell of dentist or anything like that.

When I went in I explained about previous bad experience. Also about my concern that if the sedative made me feel woozy that would make me feel panicky. The dental nurse said no need to worry about that because it happens so fast there is no time to panic. Which did make me feel better!

They can numb your hand before putting in the needle, then they gave me one shot, a minute later another shot, which I was hardly aware of they were so quick and professional. Then Daryl left the room and I remember nothing else.

I started to feel more aware (it feels like waking up even though you haven't been asleep). The nurse helped me up and walked me through to where my husband was waiting. You sit there for a while so they can assess any bleeding and make sure you are ok. Then you're allowed home.

It was the most pain-free and stress-free medical experience I have ever had. It was worth the wait for an appointment for referral to an NHS dental sedation clinic. :D

Hope my experience helps. If you have any questions, just ask.

purple to black
21-05-13, 08:16
Awww so pleased it went well for you. Did they take your bp that's the part that worries me. Hopefully after a couple of cbt sessions ill be able to take valium to calm me down in situations like that. So pleased for you and a huge well done for going through with it : )

21-05-13, 10:16
I am having mine done in the morning with sedation. I need the tooth taking out. The dentist I saw this morning for the consultation was really lovely. He said after all the years he has been treating patients with anxiety I am the most nervous one he has ever seen :(

21-05-13, 10:28
Good luck Annie...I'm sure you will find your inner strength :hugs: Kitti xx

21-05-13, 13:18
@Insomniac Great that all went well!!
@Annie904 I hope tomorrow you will be as relieved as Insomniac is feeling now! Hugs and good luck

21-05-13, 13:19
Thank you Owlkeeper...I hope so too :)

21-05-13, 21:21
Insomniac - that's brilliant it went so well. It sounds great, you really don't remember anything?
My fear of the dentist is about having stuff in my mouth as it makes me gag - I've never had a tooth out before, do they put some cotton wool in after? Does it feel a lot? And is there much blood?

Good luck Annie!

21-05-13, 21:35
If you have a tooth out you usually need to bite on a piece of gauze for a little while after. I have never had much blood loss with mine and I hope after tomorrow I can say the same again!

---------- Post added at 21:35 ---------- Previous post was at 21:33 ----------

purple to black I hope your appointment goes well tomorrow, I will be thinking about you...well I will if the sedation from mine has worn off!

21-05-13, 21:36
Sorry Annie thought I had posted on the wrong thread! I am tired tonight so getting a bit mixed up. Meant to say good luck and all the best , sure you will be fine. :hugs: x

21-05-13, 21:39
Purple to black and I both have dentist threads so it is a bit confusing :) This one is purple to blacks :) We both have appointments tomorrow. Thank you Alma :) xx

21-05-13, 21:41
Good luck purple to black as well, hope it goes well for you. :hugs:

purple to black
21-05-13, 21:55
Thank you means a lot people are thinking about me. We can be dentist buddies, Annie lol.

21-05-13, 22:02
Pity we couldn't go to the same one at the same time and hold each others hands...that would be a challenge for any dentist!

21-05-13, 23:47
I like the idea of attending the dentist as a group!

The dentist might not tho!

08-06-13, 16:29
I have an extreme gag reflex associated with panic and the dentist is quite an ordeal. Luckily I found a dentist that puts me completely out. Costs me about $400, but well worth it. I say goodnight, then they wake me up and they say "all done".