View Full Version : Starting the same medication again

10-05-13, 22:55
After my own experience of trying unsuccessfully to restart an AD that had previously suited me and having read some of the posts on here about others having the same experience I just wondered how common this is. The GP who prescribed it was very off with me when I just couldn't stand it and gave up after 3 weeks, even though i'd previously taken it for 5 years.

I'm just wondering if our bodies build up some kind of resistance which makes it harder to tolerate them second time around?

I'd be interested to hear other people's experiences of this.

12-05-13, 22:32
I had the same response to fluoxetine.

Was on it twice before at 20mg - came off it cold turkey the first time but was able to go back on it. The third time I went back on it things were much different, though I'd taken citalopram in the meantime (just for around 6 weeks), came off it and then suffered really bad anxiety for a few months (possibly withdrawal?). I had only been off fluoxetine for 10 months but I reacted really badly to it.

It seems to be more of an issue if you cold turkey or taper meds too quickly, but yes, you can react badly the second time around. I've heard it being referred to as the 'kindling effect'.

Your GP should have been more sensitive - this issue doesn't seem to be particularly isolated.

13-05-13, 00:13
Hi i had the same problem trying to restart cit, it was awful and made me hundred times worse and apparently according to my psychiatrist this isn' t uncommon when you've successfully taken it in the past, our bodies build up some kind of immunity to that specific med x x