View Full Version : Taking the plunge and calling the Doctors (maybe)

Elm Tree
10-05-13, 23:28
Hi guys,
New to this and thought I'd make an account to ask for help and advice. I'll keep it short!

I'm not really sure what's wrong with me, I've made the decision (finally) to call the Drs tomorrow to talk it through with someone (or maybe on Monday..). I'm quite scared, not sure what to say.. I thought perhaps someone on here might help me find a starting point.

I'll tell you about todays 'events':
-Really good day, out shopping, dinner with a friend.
-On the bus journey back I began to have feelings of impending doom, i began to imagine the man sat behind me was going to stab me, every time he went through his pockets i become more anxious, he touched my hair at one point (by accident!) and i jumped from being so on edge.
-I got home, went for a lie down and my heart was beating so fast and so hard it was making me more uneasy. I could hear and feel my heartbeat.
-This anxious/panic-ness subsided into sadness, crying so hard over past incidences (suicide bereavement of parent 5 years ago) i was shaking and gasping. Torturing myself, ruminating over the details.

Then the sadness went as quick as it came after about half an hour. The whole episode lasted about two hours from start to finish.

Imaging bad scenarios when I'm out happens almost every other day, being attacked, raped, something happening to my boyfriend.. Some days I stay in bed all day not even sad just feeling hugely indifferent to everything. Some days I get feelings of impending doom for no apparent reason.

I'm not sure how to tackle this, I'm feeling nervous and overwhelmed and not sure I want to 'enter the system' in terms of Drs and mental health but experiencing a short (but intense) two hour bout of everything today - I starting to think it's time to talk to someone.

On good days and when I feel fine, like I do now, I wonder if anything is wrong and I'm just a nervous person prone to sad episodes. It's difficult to now what is normal and what isn't when you're trying to 'analyse' your own behaviour!

I'm not sure what I'm looking for here. Reassurance, or advice, or both!

10-05-13, 23:44
Hi and welcome to nmp.

My advice would be to talk this over with your GP. Don't worry about entering the system...because 9 times out of 10 these things are dealt with by your GP aand there is no need for a referral to MH.

There is no need for you to suffer with this. I'm sure it can easily be sorted out. x

11-05-13, 16:31
Hi elm tree. do not think about going to the dpctors. DO IT. Think that is the best place to go to start sorting you out. Th best of luck to you. Am sure you will be pleased you did in the end. from hopey:welcome:

11-05-13, 16:55
Make an appointment to see your doctor, print off what you have written above as it sums it all up really well. Let the doctor read it or use it to tell him what is happening to your life.

Take care
Karen x