View Full Version : New user and scared! Help!

11-05-13, 00:00
Hi all, I am new on here tonight. My name is Pam and I am a 30year old married mother of twin girls. I have been suffering anxiety for 7 months now and was prescribed citalopram on Wednesday. Tonight is night 3 on it, tell me it gets better? Today was awful, stomach cramps, nausea, anxious, depressed, and tonight is just ping!! Wide awake! Do I take my next one tomorrow? Really scared to. Any thought would be greatly received. Ta!


11-05-13, 00:21
Hi Pam & welcome to NMP.

I'm sorry to hear what you are going through. You have certainly come to the right place. You will find lots of help & support here.

Can I ask what dose you are taking? All the symptoms you mention are fairly standard in the first couple of weeks. It really depends how severe they are and whether you feel like you can manage them for a few more days. Day 3 is really too soon to decide whether they suit you but if you are at all worried or concerned please have a word with you GP. And yes...it does get better.

Have you considered taking them in the morning...that sometimes helps with the insomnia. x

11-05-13, 00:32
Hi, thanks for the reply. I am on 10mg for the first two weeks then on to 20mg. I take them at 7.30am (as I did read about insomnia and thought it would be best to take them first thing). I am wanting to best this and will keep going, I just feel I am struggling to be mummy whilst having a day like today and now no sleep. My hubby works full time and at weekends. I had to call him back from work today to be with me.

11-05-13, 00:57
I really feel for you and know what you are going through and how hard it is being a mum of twins myself.

If it gets too tough, you could always try cutting the tablet in half to see if that makes the side effects more manageable. Trouble is...the desired effect will take longer to achieve. Try to hang on in there if you can. Were you prescribed any diazepam to help with the anxiety? x

11-05-13, 01:41
I was given propranolol to take ( think it is a beta blocker). Might go back to gp and ask for diazepam as I don't feel any difference with the propranolol.

My girls have just turned four and are so full of energy and fun and I just can't be bothered. I know I am lucky to have my parents who don't work and take the girls for me when it gets too much, but I still have guilt about not being able to do it myself. I normally work full time also, but thankfully am off for the next month.

11-05-13, 09:28
Morning Pam, did you manage to get much sleep?

Try not to feel guilty. I understand exactly how you feel. I really know how tough it is bringing up twins, mine are grown up now, although I didn't work aswell. You really do have a lot on your plate so don't beat yourself up! Try to just concentrate on getting yourself well so you can begin to enjoy life again. I know how it feels i've been there believe me. I was lucky to have very supportive parents too.

Feel free to PM me if you want to chat x

11-05-13, 14:16
Hi, I didn't sleep much last night. Lucky if I dozed between 3am and was up again at 5am. Girls then got up at 6.30am. I napped for an hour this morning, but I also know that isn't the answer. Feeling really yucky today. Really hungry, but gagging at any food or drink I am taking, also really anxious and nervous. I was better off without the tabs!! I did take one this morning so I am sticking it out so far. We'll see what tomorrow brings.

11-05-13, 14:25
We are in a similar position. Day 6 for me today. Since yesterday I've been feeling increasingly anxious, agitated with low mood & negative thoughts. Perhaps we can support each other! Sleeping is up & down for me. First night was rubbish, then I had a few really good nights sleep, last night it was harder to drop off & i tossed & turned a lot. Hang on in there x

11-05-13, 16:13
It's good to know someone is in roughly the same boat as me. My parents in law are taking my girls over night tonight. I'll hopefully sleep better tonight. I am on day 4 today. Looking for a brighter day 5 tomorrow.

11-05-13, 16:21
so how has your day been so far..are you managing to function normally?

11-05-13, 16:43
Hi Girls! I am sorry o hear about your struggle. I have been on Citalopram from August 2012. First two weeks are difficult, but it will go and your mood will pick up suddenly. Try to be easy on yourself, relax and be patient. Although i you feel like you can drop it and try to manage without or just taking bet blocker when you feel like you anxious please do. Citalopram is not the best thing to take. Please research this cose now is still time for you to drop it. Read about side effects and also withdraw effects. After 10 months of taking this med i wish i could think twice before i took it for permanent. If you have any questions please let me know - i am not specialist but i am happy to share my experience. xxx

11-05-13, 18:34
Hi, I was taking Citalopram a few months back and felt awful on them so went back to GP and she gave me Mirtazapine instead. They make me drowsy and help me sleep really well although i do feel quite groggy in the Mornings, i also have 2 young children and it is difficult sorting them out in the mornings!
I don't feel like they are helping me much with my depression and anxiety but they are far better than the Citalopram!!

11-05-13, 18:40
Hi everyone is different and there is no way of knowing what will suit us till we try. It can seem like an uphill battle at times. Even meds that have suited in the past are not always successful second time around. So I guess its all to do with body chemistry.

11-05-13, 20:26
Hi, how has your day been? I've had a mixed day. Currently on my way to put of hours gp to see about changing something as I am really not strong enough to go another day feeling like I do today. Hopefully he can swap my propranolol for something else until I can see my gp on Monday about it.

11-05-13, 20:36
Oh I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you manage to get something sorted out. Is it the anxiety that you are struggling with?

11-05-13, 20:40
Feeling sick, not eating or sleeping or drinking for that matter and now more anxious than ever before. I don't know if it is a reaction to the citalopram or how it is meant to be on it. I am so confused.

11-05-13, 20:47
I think you are doing the right thing getting yourself checked out. Let me know how you get on. Good luck x

11-05-13, 23:08
Hi, just back from the gp. She gave me some diazepam and has asked me to see my gp on Monday as my symptoms do seem severe. I am hoping for a quick weekend now! Lol! How are you all doing?

11-05-13, 23:15
Having trouble getting to sleep again! I've not really done anything today. I just feel low & disinterested in everything. My appetite seems to be returning though so thats good.

I have diazepam put am too afraid to take them!

Lets hope we both have a better day tomorrow!!

11-05-13, 23:18
I have taken mine, but alas I am still awake. I was very reluctant to take them also, but after the days I've had, I didn't feel I had a choice. Xx

11-05-13, 23:22
Yes, I know what you mean. At least I know i've got it if things get really bad. But am afraid of freaking out after taking it...feeling like i'm passing out etc. How much have you taken?

11-05-13, 23:34
I took 2x2mg. I don't feel anything. I took them over an hour ago now. They kick in after 30 min or so. X

12-05-13, 06:28
Well I eventually got to sleep around midnight and had a very fitful few hours with constant tossing & turning waking up in a panic at 4.50 feeling over heated and with a sense of a dread. Managed to calm myself pretty quickly but needless to say have been unable to get back to sleep....!

So, how are you today. Did you manage to get any sleep? Are you feeling any calmer?

12-05-13, 13:39
Hi violet,
Well I've not had a good morning. Got to sleep about 1.30am and up again at 5am. In a state of panic and agitation. This remained with me until 12.30 when I was seen again at the out of hours gp. They have taken me off the citilopram and given me propanalol 40mg to take 3 times a day. Feeling a bit better since taking my first one but still no where near right.

12-05-13, 20:10
Hi Pam, hows it going? Glad to hear you are/were feeling a bit better. I feel really unwell today. Almost like i've got the flu. The light-headedness is terrible as I kept feeling like i'm going to faint. Went over my sister's today to get out of the house but had to come home and am back in bed now! My appetite has gone into overdrive now. I seem to be constantly hungry and i'm aware my blood sugar keeps dipping. Thats probably why i'm getting dizzy spells. I'm so tired, I feel drugged, but don't want to sleep until tonight if I can help it. What a carry on lol. Hope you are feeling a bit brighter now? x

12-05-13, 22:40
Hi violet, I'm sorry you had a rubbish day. I was feeling a bit better and managed to sleep there from 8pm till 10pm, but once again I am now awake. We'll see what the rest of the night brings. Hope you are managing to sleep. Xx

13-05-13, 18:42
Hi Pam, hows your day been?

I've had intense anxiety & low mood, bad thoughts & crying. Just feel so fed-up! Its impossible to stay positive when you feel so low.

I slept much better last night however but have remained feeling tired all day. I also slept for a couple of hours this afternoon, mainly to escape how I was feeling. Still have a few aches & pains due to tense muscles but NOT had a headache today! Appetite much improved today also. So it seems like the physical symptoms are maybe diminishing.

I hope things have continued to improve for you? Did you see your GP today?

Violet x

13-05-13, 20:08
Hi violet, I've had a similar day to yours it seems with the low mood and crying. I saw my gp this morning who has taken me off everything I was on, and given my 1mg lorazepam to try and get me a good sleep. We'll see how that works, but I am hoping not to be on the forum during the night tonight! Lol!

Hope things start to improve for you some more.

13-05-13, 21:35
Hi Pam, I'm feeling a little less anxious at the moment, but feeling better as the day goes on does seem to be the norm. I dread the mornings as thats when I feel most anxious.

Are you up and about or resting in bed? Hows your appetite now you've stopped the pills? Did the doc say where you go from here?

Violet x

14-05-13, 15:23
Hi violet,

Had a really bad day yesterday, ended up in a and e with an acute crisis. Get some lorazepam to try and settle me down. Saw my gp this morning what has referred my to the psychiatric team to see what the next steps are. I'm really scared that I can't see an end to this now.

My apatite is slowly returning, in saying that, it is 3pm and I've had a bowl of flakes all day. And nothing the drink yet. Lol! That needs to change!

How are you?

14-05-13, 16:04
Poor you, you really are going through the mill! I know what you mean about being scared of not seeing an end to it. I've been feeling like that too. What happened yesterday then during the crisis? Was it low mood, bad thoughts, agitation, anxiety...or all of those things? I've been like that in the past, its horrendous, you feel like you are losing the plot. I hope you get to see the psychiatric team soon, did he say how long it was likely to be? My doc suggested that at first before he decided to try citalopram as I was pretty low when I was put on the meds.

Had a much better day today so far. Started off bleak, with the low mood/thoughts etc but Ive been busy & its passed. I'm expecting to be up & down for the next couple of weeks before I start to be a bit more stable. Just having a few calm moments is a bonus at the moment.

I hope you are feeling a bit better? x

14-05-13, 16:52
Hi I have read this post with a lot of past memories creeping in, firstly if you go all day with out food or very little you will have massive anxiety all day every day, this is a physical problem not a mental one, get some porridge down you and you will feel better I promise as its a slow release and has a major impact on low blood sugar which is what is contributing to your anxiety, bananas are also good, thats why the diazepans not working its fighting with very real symtoms.
I know that when my anxiety is at its worst its also when I am dieting heavily.
Eat now LOL Oranges, peanut butter, apples, their are loads that will help but like I said porridge is the biz, I learnt that from a cardiologist as well.

14-05-13, 20:49
My crisis was anxiety, bad thoughts, extreme crying, agony in my stomach (again probably due to not eating), sheer exhaustion and generally being petrified, from 4.30am through to 6pm. It was very scary. Been taken off all my meds now and just on lorazepam twice a day. They leave me feeling numb, but not as agitated/extreme as I was yesterday.

Glad you are coming through it now. You must be really strong! It won't take long now. Xx

14-05-13, 21:04
Hi Pam, I don't want to tempt fate by thinking I'm over the worst. If past experience is anything to go on, I'm expecting to be up & down for a few weeks at least. I'm not a strong person, you've just been unlucky and had a bad reaction. Have you taken AD's before? x

15-05-13, 07:34

No I've never been on anything before. The citalopram was my first ad. Propranolol was my first beta blocker too! No luck for me! Lol! Xx

15-05-13, 10:09
Hi Pam

How are you doing? I hope you are feeling much better. I've also got propranolol but have never used it because i'm afraid. I'm quite a med phobic!

I've woken up feeling anxious & jittery again today as per normal but its the negative thoughts that i'm struggling with. Hope it stops soon! x