View Full Version : how would you describe your dizziness?

27-09-06, 10:01

For the last 5 weeks or so I've been having this intermittent dizzy/lightheaded feeling. Sometimes it lasts for hours and some days I don't have it at all. I've been about 4 days without it but this morning it's there again. I have had a cold and my ears have felt a bit blocked so it could be to do with that?

Obviously being the worrier that I am, I'm thinking that it's something serious. In my rational mind, I tell myself that it's being made worse by being tense. I can feel my shoulders are very tense and the back of my neck is too so I guess this doesn't help. Also I can feel that I'm shallow breathing but I can't seem to get it under control.

For those who suffer with anxiety related dizziness - how would you describe it. Mine isn't like the room is spinning or anything, more a feeling of a swimmy head.


27-09-06, 10:07
when my dad gets a cold, it ALWAYS effects his ears. his describes it as his head 'buzzing' like he's drugged up and on a high. There is alot of flu going round lately.

Myself i dont mind having a cold as it makes my eustchian tube swell and i dont get popping! {i have patulous eustchian tube}

When im out, i constantly have a lightheadedness going on, its like being on the verge of dizziness. like one step further or a move of my neck and im going to go dizzy.

Becci x

27-09-06, 10:30
HI I get the dizzynes with anxiety all the time, like you it can last all day or i can go a couple of days dizzy free.

Its quite hard to explain, i have it now, its like im in a cloud above my head, my vision seems blurred and i feel as if im not really here. if you no what i mean.



27-09-06, 11:01
I get the dizziness from time to time and can say it’s horrible. It comes from nowhere and even at times I don’t think I am anxious, Its so bad I have to hold onto things to get about and even when I sit or lay down its still there. I haven’t had it much now for quite a while. Hope I haven’t jinxed myself saying that LOL. Take care, Vernon

27-09-06, 11:23
Hi I get dizzy spells,and light headed feeling.Usually when Im out and anxious.I then feel nausious(cant spell)[Duh!]Sometimes its low blood sugars,but usually anxiety.My shoulders and neck are always tense,feels like Im carrying bricks on my shoulders.Can all cause dizziness pet.
Take care:)

Ellen XX

27-09-06, 11:50

I have had the light headedness for 3 months now and I only have brief respite. I don't feel the room spinning and I don't have blurred vision. I do spend much of my time thinking about it and I believe this keeps it going. Sometimes I feel like I am walking on springs or when I stand still I have the sensation I am on a boat although that hasn't been as bad in the last month.

The strange thing is yesterday my son (16 years old) had an epileptic seizure the first in 18 months and I was home alone with him. He fell out of bed and injured himself. My day was spent phoning the epilepsy clinic, taking him to the GP and running up and down the stairs seeing to his needs (most energy I have had in 3 months)! You know I never noticed the light headedness/dizziness because my mind was elsewhere. Now of course I am very aware of my symptoms and i am lying on bed feeling sorry for myself. But it does show that our thoughts and moods do effect our wellbeing/nervous system.


27-09-06, 11:50
I feel a sense of swaying, but I have asked people and I am not swaying.
Sometimes my mind plays tricks and i think soemthing is moving, like the walls closing in or something....does this make sense - can anyone relate to this?

Hay x

27-09-06, 12:43
mine is like a hangover head if you know what i mean........not so much a spinning dizzy more like a wobbly feeling, a muzzy head.....at first i used to say my head just feels weird.....i still get it on and off most days

27-09-06, 18:58
Mine feels like I'm moving or bobbing up and down even though I'm not! It can happen when I'm stood, sitting or lieing down. If I'm walking it feels as though I'm walking on jelly. Its a lot worse if I'm tense or tired.
love Helen

27-09-06, 19:57
I am so glad this subject has come up...for months now I feel as if I am living with my head in a bubble, just ever so slightly off balance, not dizzy, just 'out of it'...gets worse in new, intense situations, but as one of you has mentioned, when I'm busy, I forget all about it. This must mean its more to do with anxiety than anything else, which is how I remind myself its not anything serious (I'm sure we have all thought its something sinister).
My neck and shoulders are also often rock solid with tension, and my osteopath has told me it can often affect your vision, hearing and sinuses when this area is really tense...explaining the out of body like sensations we get.

Amber x

27-09-06, 20:22
hi i get a light-headed kind of feeling now and again but at the mo feel like i,m swaying 24/7!i think this has to be the worse symptom of anxiety!!!i,ve been to see a neurologist cause i was so worried but he said there was nothing wrong with my balance etc.so i,m going to see if i can be refered to ent although my doctor keeps telling me its anxiety i just hate it!!!!
take care rachel x

27-09-06, 21:17
nice to know im not the only one with this, it seems that I've rid of my anxiety of everything but this last nasty symptom.

The thing with me is that I am fine in the morning and only start to get weird dizzy feeling in the late afternoon. Its a very weird dizzy feeling, its not like I cant walk, but i feel swaying, i feel like my neck is too weak to hold my head, i feel like my head is swaying, i feel like some things around me move for a split second, sometimes i feel like im walking diagonally, i feel weak in my knees, and like i can barely balance myself on my feet. However because i dont have anxiety, this does scare me..and it gets annoying and frustrating more than scary, i just want it to go away, i know that thinking about it all the time probably makes it even worse.

I just cant figure out why i feel so good in the mornings, and so bad in the afternoon. I feel better when i get home and relax.

28-09-06, 10:30
Scatty cat. At the very worst it could be labyrinthtis which is quite simply a viral ear infection. I had it 2 years ago and was convinced it was all sorts cos of the dizziness and was amazed when they said it was that as my ears felt fine to me. Thats the same sort of dizziness you described - not the room spinning - just a kind of almost tickly dizziness at the front of your head! All I had to do was take betahistine to help with the dizziness. Not saying you have got this. I am obviously not a doctor - just saying thats worse case scenario probably and is still not that bad! Not pleasant I know but not life threatening at all!

Take care x

28-09-06, 11:58
So its not just me! Thought they're was something seriously wrong. I never used to get a lot of dizzy spells, but lately I have been. Looks like Im similar to a lot of other people, just get really light headed and feel like Im about to faint. And like you Ellen, I have very tight necks and shoulders (cant help!)

Hope you get rid of that cold soon scatty_cat.

Love Ness :)

28-09-06, 12:54
god i cant believe it thi ite is brill. I always get lightheaded and like my head is somewhere else its dead strange but as soon as im busy doing something it goes.

Anxiety is a strange thing

28-09-06, 22:33
Hi again

It seems like lots of us have dizziness in various forms.

I'm sure mine is being made worse at the moment by my ears. My right one apparently needs syringing (yuck!) so that could be affecting it.

Back to the doctors (again!!) next week I suppose.

Take care

29-09-06, 21:52
just wondering if someone out there can give a bit of advice. i haven't suffered with dizziness for a few months. but last week my medication was upped from 25mg to 50mg. i have noticed this past week that i keep getting light headed and dizzy. the weird thing about it tho is it only lasts a few seconds...then it comes again. it also makes a sound as tho there is blood rushing round in my head/ears. i feel abit detached aswell. its hard to explain.
i don't get it all the time during the day but when it starts it can go on for a couple of hours. its like dizzy gone, dizzy gone.... its strange!
to me it seems as tho it could be a side effect of my medication being upped.
if so will it wear off? has anyone else experienced this sort of dizziness?
i tested my blood sugar about 10 mins ago and it was 4.2 so i don't think its down to that.

any help/advice would be most welcome.

all the best

pp x