View Full Version : Anyone have dizziness with movement?

11-05-13, 00:40
I have bad brain tumour anxiety as some of you might have read from my other posts.

I've noticed that these last few days I've started to feel calmer, but I can't get rid of this slight dizziness whenever I move my head, walk around, and even just use my eyes to look at things.

Is this something that comes from anxiety?

11-05-13, 00:52
Yes I had it for over 2 years!

11-05-13, 00:54
Check, check, check. Have that too. :mad:

11-05-13, 00:57
Thanks for replying, guys!
Have you guys spoken to your doctors about it? If so, what have they said?
Could it all be apart of anxiety? I'm not even feeling that anxious yet I feel slightly dizzy :(

11-05-13, 01:06
They said it was anxiety and I worked out that I was not breathing properly. If you learn to breathe correctly it helps a lot.

11-05-13, 01:20
If you don't mind me asking, how did you learn to breathe properly?

11-05-13, 07:32
Hi Jenn, I get this too, apparently for me it's part of the vestibular migraine thing. It's called visual vertigo or visual motion sensitivity. I'm doing balance physiotherapy and using migraine lifestyle measures and slowly over time it's getting better.

On bad days I can barely move my head without feeling weird. Watching things moving is difficult, even reading is weird. Things like TV shows with a lot of action or filmed with handheld cameras drive me crazy!

I know from your other posts that you're having trouble with your balance and dizziness, and it's not unusual to have these kinds of symptoms with balance issues. Hope it makes you feel a little better, I know just how these weird symptoms can make you feel anxious! I find that the key is just to learn to accept it's just a part of the balance stuff and to not let your mind run away with the anxious thought.

11-05-13, 14:28
Have a read here:


11-05-13, 23:34
Hi Jenn, I get this too, apparently for me it's part of the vestibular migraine thing. It's called visual vertigo or visual motion sensitivity. I'm doing balance physiotherapy and using migraine lifestyle measures and slowly over time it's getting better.

On bad days I can barely move my head without feeling weird. Watching things moving is difficult, even reading is weird. Things like TV shows with a lot of action or filmed with handheld cameras drive me crazy!

I know from your other posts that you're having trouble with your balance and dizziness, and it's not unusual to have these kinds of symptoms with balance issues. Hope it makes you feel a little better, I know just how these weird symptoms can make you feel anxious! I find that the key is just to learn to accept it's just a part of the balance stuff and to not let your mind run away with the anxious thought.

Hello, thanks so much for the response. :) It's great to hear that you're getting better!

I actually find some things on tv hard to watch too, such as when there's a lot of flashing lights and movement. It makes me feel nervous and nauseas.

I really appreciate your kind words, it makes me feel a lot better that I'm not the only one going through this. I just need to stop googling symptoms, it makes everything worse! I'm going to speak to my doctor to see if he can test me for vertigo.

Thanks again :hugs:

---------- Post added at 18:34 ---------- Previous post was at 18:33 ----------

Have a read here:


Thank you Nicola, those tips are very helpful!:)

12-05-13, 00:00

I totally believe that dizziness and lightheadedness was what led to my latest bout of anxiety flaring up. I still take stemitil 3 times a day to relieve the symptoms of dizziness. Even watching films with too much motion can make me dizzy. It's nice to hear other people experience this also. Does anyone else take stemitil? It would be good to hear from you. X

12-05-13, 00:29
Stress and anxiety bring on my dizziness. I also get it if I'm dehydrated, haven't eaten properly if I'm tired or if I drink too much caffeine.

So, I get dizzy quite a lot of the time!

Once I worked out why it was happening I tried to combat most of the above causes.

Caffeine was a big thing for me, it worsened my anxiety and brought on head zaps / dizziness and slumps in my energy.

If you drink a lot of caffeine or don't drink enough water, try and improve those side of things and see if it improves.

Either way, there are lots of normal causes for dizziness which overtime you'll accept and it will start to go away.


12-05-13, 01:01
Hello, Gibbon!
It's great to hear that stemitil is helping you with your dizziness :)
I'm not taking anything for it, but I feel like it comes and goes throughout the day. I just really want it to go away! :(

---------- Post added at 20:01 ---------- Previous post was at 19:59 ----------

Stress and anxiety bring on my dizziness. I also get it if I'm dehydrated, haven't eaten properly if I'm tired or if I drink too much caffeine.

So, I get dizzy quite a lot of the time!

Once I worked out why it was happening I tried to combat most of the above causes.

Caffeine was a big thing for me, it worsened my anxiety and brought on head zaps / dizziness and slumps in my energy.

If you drink a lot of caffeine or don't drink enough water, try and improve those side of things and see if it improves.

Either way, there are lots of normal causes for dizziness which overtime you'll accept and it will start to go away.


Hello, those are some great tips! I will keep them in mind. :)
I don't drink coffee because it makes me feel really weird, I don't notice that effect with coke and other soft drinks, but I'm going to cut them out too. Anything that may help my dizziness.

My doctor told me my dizziness is due to anxiety, but I didn't feel anxious or anything today so I'm not sure why I still feel dizzy :( Does that happen to you?

12-05-13, 15:14

No problem! Coke / Energy drinks definitely do affect it, even if it's not that noticeable.

I hadn't had any dizziness for a while, yesterday I had two glasses of coke and about an hour later I had a head zap and dizziness briefly. I think if you get into a habit of having Coke / energy drinks you don't tend to notice patterns, but if you stop it for a while, you will probably notice a difference.

I definitely get dizziness with anxiety, but I can also get it if i'm run down or overly stressed out. It doesn't always appear instantly though, so I might be relaxing after a busy week and then suddenly feel really light headed.

I've had it last for 2 weeks before, so bad when I first got my anxiety that every time I got up the whole room would spin round, it was horrible.

Now I just get occasional moments of light-headedness that come and go.

If it's not something that is getting progressively worse, then, while it's scary and unpleasant I would think it would eventually pass over time.

I'm obviously not a Dr, but I've had pretty much every symptom under the Sun, and after 5 years on and off, I'm still here!

If you try and let it pass without worrying about what it might be, eventually it should start to calm down.

Hope that reassures you a bit.

Chris x

13-05-13, 04:28

No problem! Coke / Energy drinks definitely do affect it, even if it's not that noticeable.

I hadn't had any dizziness for a while, yesterday I had two glasses of coke and about an hour later I had a head zap and dizziness briefly. I think if you get into a habit of having Coke / energy drinks you don't tend to notice patterns, but if you stop it for a while, you will probably notice a difference.

I definitely get dizziness with anxiety, but I can also get it if i'm run down or overly stressed out. It doesn't always appear instantly though, so I might be relaxing after a busy week and then suddenly feel really light headed.

I've had it last for 2 weeks before, so bad when I first got my anxiety that every time I got up the whole room would spin round, it was horrible.

Now I just get occasional moments of light-headedness that come and go.

If it's not something that is getting progressively worse, then, while it's scary and unpleasant I would think it would eventually pass over time.

I'm obviously not a Dr, but I've had pretty much every symptom under the Sun, and after 5 years on and off, I'm still here!

If you try and let it pass without worrying about what it might be, eventually it should start to calm down.

Hope that reassures you a bit.

Chris x

Yes I've noticed a weird feeling when I drink tea or coffee, even sometimes some drinks from starbucks makes me feel weird. Although, coke doesn't as much.
It's crazy what anxiety and stress can do to you, just need to learn to take it easy and not to google all of my symptoms, because that clearly makes things worse :P
I feel a lot better that I'm not the only one who gets dizziness :) thank you

26-05-13, 23:18
Hi Jenn, I've been worrying lately that things look slightly off, like further away or too near or something. I would worry when I looked down at things and then (I think partly because I was so anxious) I started getting dizzy when I would move my head a lot or bend down slightly, i.e. to wash my hands. It got to the point where every time I bent over the sink I would feel a bit dizzy. The dizziness has faded off at the moment though. I went to the doctor about that the other week and also because I was getting a weird sensation in my ear when I talked. He didn't think it was anything serious.

I had a lot of wax in my ear and had it syringed last week. Do you have any problems with your ears? That could cause dizziness. I've had ear infections in the past and I have eczema in my ears. It might not necessarily have been my ears in this case though, maybe the anxiety. I also went through a phase a couple of years ago of getting dizzy when I bent over my tray when I was eating but that went away.

27-05-13, 02:06
Hello Marietta, thanks for the response!
That dizziness is such a pain! Does it get worse when you think about it? I've noticed that when I look down when I'm not realizing it, the dizziness doesn't come but when I'm focused on it, it seems to show up! Totally anxiety related. :)

Do your ears click when you swallow? Mine have been doing that for years, when I lay down fast I get ear pressure that goes in 30 seconds, and I also noticed I have a dull pain around my ears if I press on it. Although my doctor looked into my ears and said they were fine, I wouldn't mind doing the wax thing, does it hurt? I'm a softy when it comes to pain, haha. I don't think your dizziness is due to something serious since it comes and goes, it sounds like mine.
The thing that bothers me the most is every single time I lay down on my right or left sides I get head pains, it's what really scares me! I don't have my doctor appointment until the end of June. :(

27-05-13, 15:02
Hi Jenn, you're welcome. :)

It definitely does get worse when I think about it, the more I focused on it, the more I seemed to notice it. Because it happened when I was washing my hands, every time I went to the sink I would be on edge, worrying it was going to happen.

I do get a sort of clicking feeling when I swallow sometimes. I first noticed the sensation in my ear (like something was vibrating/moving) when I was lying down. The syringing doesn't hurt, it just feels a bit uncomfortable (at least for me), it was a bit more sensitive and uncomfortable in my left ear because it had been hurting a bit already. At the same time it did feel nice to have it cleaned out because my ears were itchy and it was a bit like scratching them! It was fine compared to the ear drops I had to put in to soften the wax, they irritated my ears a bit because of the eczema. Yeah, I expect if it was serious, it would be there all the time. :)

I go through phases of getting headaches more than the others. Headaches are often linked with stress, so your head pain could be to do with stress/anxiety. It's hard when you have to wait for a long time to see the doctor. Maybe if you get really anxious, you could see if you could get one sooner, maybe with another doctor? Although for me personally, I prefer to see my usual doctor because he knows about my anxiety. :) Hope you're doing alright. :)

28-05-13, 00:32
That definitely sounds like anxiety, Marietta. :) I'm trying to convince myself that's just what mine is too.

That's good about the ear cleaning, did it help out for anything? Just today I was sitting on the couch watching TV, and I noticed all of a sudden my right ear kind of seemed plugged and there was a high pitched ringing noise. I always have ringing but only really hear it at night when I'm in bed. So this was kind of weird.

I've noticed I get sharp head pains when stressed but I also constantly have head pains when I lay down on my right and left sides, which freak me out! Do you get those too? And haha the same as you, I prefer the doctor that knows my history already. I'm going to try to wait it out. :)

28-05-13, 02:37
I am having ear drops at the moment for hard wax... I have the same problem as you - dizziness when I move and also my ears feel full and plugged up. I also have the high pitched sound in one ear. Mum looked inside my ears and said that I have lots of hard wax deep inside my ears so that is probably why I have tinnitus and dizziness. But my sounds are varying.... low and high all the time, beeping, car engine drone, roaring etc... different sounds but I'm deaf but I can feel the difference between sounds. It is really strange!!!

28-05-13, 02:58
Oh wow, that's interesting! Does your dizziness come and go? Mine seems to. The doctor looked into my ears and everything looked great so I'm not sure what would be causing it.

28-05-13, 15:35
Have you tried breathing relaxation for long periods of time?

28-05-13, 17:01
That definitely sounds like anxiety, Marietta. :) I'm trying to convince myself that's just what mine is too.

That's good about the ear cleaning, did it help out for anything? Just today I was sitting on the couch watching TV, and I noticed all of a sudden my right ear kind of seemed plugged and there was a high pitched ringing noise. I always have ringing but only really hear it at night when I'm in bed. So this was kind of weird.

I've noticed I get sharp head pains when stressed but I also constantly have head pains when I lay down on my right and left sides, which freak me out! Do you get those too? And haha the same as you, I prefer the doctor that knows my history already. I'm going to try to wait it out. :)

It did feel better after I had my ears cleaned and I hadn't been noticing the weird feeling my ear as much but I started noticing it more yesterday. It could be because I've been focusing on it more! I get ringing in my ears occasionally, like the wax just shifts or something and then you get the high pitched sound.

I don't tend to get sharp head pains, mostly just headaches. Sometimes like a dull headache and other times it hurts more. I wouldn't be surprised if sharp head pains are also to do with anxiety. :) I hope everything goes well when you go to the doctor. :)

28-05-13, 17:21
Yea have this a lot and is normally a major precipitating factor in a full blown panic attack developing. There is nothing worse than walking down the road and feel the pavement spiralling up to meet you or sat at work with a see saw head!!!!!

Peter Pan
28-05-13, 21:35
Hi Jen
i've had dizziness for a week to the extent that i've been lying on the floor thinking that if i'm going to fall then I'm already down so i wont hurt myself but the strange thing about it is even lying down i feel as though someone has pulled a rug from under me, really scary that i've sprung up and grabbed the nearest thing to me, my doc is sending me to the neurological dept as an outpatient just to be on the safe side, but i've noticed since stopping my buspirone that it's gradually subsided, but my anxiety and panic attacks have left me debilateted, the worst it's been in years :(

Hope you get well soon xx

29-05-13, 05:29
Have you tried breathing relaxation for long periods of time?

I haven't really tried anything, lay down seems to make it feel better though.

---------- Post added at 00:25 ---------- Previous post was at 00:22 ----------

It did feel better after I had my ears cleaned and I hadn't been noticing the weird feeling my ear as much but I started noticing it more yesterday. It could be because I've been focusing on it more! I get ringing in my ears occasionally, like the wax just shifts or something and then you get the high pitched sound.

I don't tend to get sharp head pains, mostly just headaches. Sometimes like a dull headache and other times it hurts more. I wouldn't be surprised if sharp head pains are also to do with anxiety. :) I hope everything goes well when you go to the doctor. :)

That's good about your ears. And I've noticed when thinking about any symptom always makes it worse! Haha, so crazy. I also get that high pitched sound in my right ear usually, when I lie down fast or sometimes out of nowhere.

Have you gotten any scans for your head aches? My doctor feels it's all due to anxiety so he won't allow me to get one. I really hope that's the reason for it.

Thank you! xx :)

---------- Post added at 00:29 ---------- Previous post was at 00:25 ----------

Hi Jen
i've had dizziness for a week to the extent that i've been lying on the floor thinking that if i'm going to fall then I'm already down so i wont hurt myself but the strange thing about it is even lying down i feel as though someone has pulled a rug from under me, really scary that i've sprung up and grabbed the nearest thing to me, my doc is sending me to the neurological dept as an outpatient just to be on the safe side, but i've noticed since stopping my buspirone that it's gradually subsided, but my anxiety and panic attacks have left me debilateted, the worst it's been in years :(

Hope you get well soon xx

Hello, thanks for replying. I'm so sorry to hear about your dizziness, and I hope you get some relief after visiting the neurological dept.

I know what you mean about the anxiety and panic, mine has been getting worse too. At least we are able to accept it. I'm looking into getting some therapy in hopes that it'll make me feel better :)

Take care x

29-05-13, 14:24
Hi Jenn, I haven't had any scans for my headaches. I've had them since I was about 10. My teacher thought it might be because I needed glasses but I didn't (at the time). When I was about 16 I was really worried about them and my psychologist said it was because I was stressed and tensing my muscles. I don't get them as often now as I used to. I go through phases of having them more than others. Oh yes, I agree that thinking about any symptom makes it worse!

You're welcome. :) xx

29-05-13, 15:16
Hi Jenn, I haven't had any scans for my headaches. I've had them since I was about 10. My teacher thought it might be because I needed glasses but I didn't (at the time). When I was about 16 I was really worried about them and my psychologist said it was because I was stressed and tensing my muscles. I don't get them as often now as I used to. I go through phases of having them more than others. Oh yes, I agree that thinking about any symptom makes it worse!

You're welcome. :) xx

Hello Marietta :)
Just like you, I've had headaches since I was about 10 too. So it's reassuring that there is someone else who has alike symptoms.

Hmm, I never really thought about the tense muscle thing but it could definitely be one of the causes. I'm just really hoping its anything but a brain tumor. Since you've had the headaches for so long, did you notice your symptoms worsening throughout the years?

Take care xx

29-05-13, 19:54
Hi Jenn, I agree, it is reassuring to find someone with similar symptoms. :)

I've actually noticed that I haven't had headaches as much in the last couple of years. I don't know why because I still get stressed! But maybe it started affecting me in different ways and not with the headaches as much.

Take care too. :) xx

29-05-13, 23:36
It really is! Makes me feel a lot better. :)

It's good to hear about your headaches, and that could be why. Just today I feel slightly dizzy when I walk and almost out of it, I don't feel very anxious about anything though. :(

29-05-13, 23:47
Sometimes I think you can still be anxious when you're not worrying about anything in particular. Maybe because you've been in an anxious state for a while and you're kind of stuck in it. That happens to me sometimes. :)

29-05-13, 23:50
Hmm, never thought of it that way. It's been since April since I've been under a lot of anxiety, or since my anxiety has worsened. Just really hope one day soon it will all go away. >.<

30-05-13, 15:48
My anxiety comes and goes. Sometimes it's better than others. I hope you start to feel better soon. :)

30-05-13, 15:53
Thank you! Xx