View Full Version : Worrying about your loved ones

11-05-13, 07:25
Hey guys, I've been working really hard on my anxiety over the last few months and have learned a lot and am doing so much better. But one thing I find hard to shake is worrying about the people I love, and I mean worrying too much not a normal level of natural worry.

Yesterday my sister and her boyfriend finalised their plans for going travelling around the world for six months starting in September. They are really excited about it, and I'm happy for them because they're young and want to see the world.

But as they told me about the plan, with each new country they mentioned I got a bigger and bigger knot in my stomach. I don't want them to go, and I hate the fact that they'll be travelling and not necessarily in touch every day.

Do any of you experience this kind of thing too? What do you do to manage it?

I struggle with the fact that my family are all spread out and that we don't live near each other. It makes me feel very lonely and sad. I grew up in a very close family and now we are all spread out away from each other, and I miss the sense of community, comfort and belonging that I grew up in.

11-05-13, 18:41
I am just the same and early last year my daughter and her boyfriend were on a 6 month round the world trip. I was really anxious about some of the places they were going and the things they would be doing..cycling down the most dangerous road in the world in Bolivia! Bungee Jumping and white water rafting in New Zealand! I had to ask them not to tell me what days they would do them until they had done it. They are back home safe and sound and have had a wonderful experience and have done lots of things they dreamed about doing. I actually ended up talking to them more than when they were home. Most of the hostels had internet so they spoke to me on skype.

12-05-13, 07:33
Thanks for your reply Annie, it really helps when you know others feel the same way that you do.

A six month round the world trip is exactly what my sister and her boyfriend are doing. It's good to hear your daughter enjoyed it so much and was safe! I know that they will be OK, but I have such a wild imagination that leans towards worry. I think I will find it tough when they go, but I will try to keep positive thoughts in mind for their journey.

12-05-13, 08:53
I have the same feeling. None of ours have been on such a venture.
My youngest live 90mins journey from our house. They came yesterday.
I always say text me when you get back. I am sitting waiting. get no text- so I am ringing up. I am on pins when they go abroad on holiday. Same if my hubby goes out in car. It's my biggest worry.
Lots of people travel around the world must be the chance of a lifetime.
I wish them luck:)

12-05-13, 09:43
Hi all, I`m the same. A constant worrier. I don`t sleep at night when my son is out socializing at weekends. I worry if he`s late home from work. I think the worst all the time.

12-05-13, 10:46
I had the same problem a few years ago..when my wife went on a 18 day trip to las vegas ,new york.because my phobia and anxiety was so bad i just couldnt go..the day she left i was fine.It was only when she contacted me via Skype that i freeked out.when i saw her in her hotel room and she showed me the veiw..Thats when it all hit me..i knew she was thousands of miles away,and couldnt just pop back home if i needed to...i had huge panic attacts and very high anxieyy..i felt unreal and couldnt cope with my working day or anyone in it..i strugled to sleep at night....But !!!! ...Do you know what..i got through 6 days of this feeling..Then...it all left me...and on day 7 i was perfectly fine.no more panic.i actually started to enjoy the time i had left on my own..and did lots of things and my sleep returned....So no matter how bad you may feel..how real it may seem....it does go.and you do get use to it...exposier to it ..feer..that is..and it gets weeker...so you will be fine..you wait and see..good luck..

12-05-13, 12:23
Everyone has that feeling, whether they are diagnosed with anxiety or not. My Mum is often calm and collective but when I was out drinking as a teenager she wouldn't be able to sleep until she heard the front lock turn. She didn't tell me this until I moved out :P

It's normal to feel anxiety for the ones you love when there is a possibility of them being in danger. My fiancé and I can't sleep when either of us are out late, especially with Croydon only up the road. That's normal. Even my dad, who gives the impression of not being 'soft' used to get incredibly nervous when my brother and I used to sleep over at our friends, again, normal.

12-05-13, 13:35
I'm the same, I worry about family all the time but luckily I seem to be able to control it to some degree. It's horrible to be worrying over something you can't control!

12-05-13, 16:38
Thanks for sharing your own feelings everyone, it makes me feel a bit better. I know I worry about my loved ones a lot more than the average person, so I think it's just another aspect of my anxiety that I need to learn to control.

I think you all are right in that over time the worry will subside, and I will try not to dwell on it in the months leading up to their departure! I'm sure they'll have a great time.