View Full Version : Not sure if I slept? Does this happen to you?

11-05-13, 09:09
Hey guys

This is panicking me a little bit today has it ever happened to you?
I went to bed around 12.30 I remember having racing thoughts and then I don't remember anything till I looked at my clock at 1.30 then I had more racing thoughts looked at my clock and it was 2.30. I don't feel like I went to sleep but I don't feel like I was awake for that period of time either I'm just scared that my memory is blanking out. Is this just my stressed mind playing tricks on me?

Thank you

10-06-14, 17:35
Hi, I came across this post while searching for something else. I know it's old but I thought I would reply to you anyway. :)

I go through phases of having trouble sleeping and I remember a few years ago I thought I was never going to get to sleep but then I did. But the only reason I knew I'd been asleep was because I'd been dreaming. So that does happen to me sometimes, the only reason I know I've fallen asleep is because I've dreamt.
I hope things have improved for you since this post. :)