View Full Version : Lump in elbow crease

11-05-13, 10:09
So I have this soft lump, which doesn't feel even, feels a bit clumpy on the outer side of my right elbow crease, I can really only feel it when I stretch my arm out but it is quite large, maybe the size of a small coin. I've kept finding lumps all over my body and keep going to doctors and they keep saying that they're either nodes which are swollen but not to a worrying extent and once they said the lumps on my torso are lipomas, this is through private healthcare so I don't feel like they're pushing me away because I'm a waste of their time or anything but I keep getting this bad feeling because I think that they haven't seen this lump and then I go back and they check it and come to the same conclusion, last time I went the doctor was a lot more concerned about what he described as a TMJ disorder to me and told me to see a dentist, prescribed me an anti-inflammatory and gave me instructions on how to handle the pain but I was a bit annoyed because I wanted him to focus more on the lumps. Anyway, does anyone have something similar to this or know what it's about? Should I worry and go see a doctor yet another time? Sorry for wasting anyone's time, I just don't have anyone to talk to short of a medical professional because my friends/family don't take me seriously. I don't want to keep wasting time and money and worrying about something that I shouldn't be concerned about

I saw a psychiatrist last week for an evaluation because of my health anxiety and she diagnosed me with anxiety disorder and low levels of depression but didn't prescribe anything, just referred me to a clinical psychologist and recommended CBT, because of this I feel as though it may just be in my head and I feel normal sensations and lumps/bumps then become paranoid about it because I have anxiety problems.