View Full Version : mirt/leprexo combo

Sasha 2012
11-05-13, 11:15
Hi I've been on mirtz for 2 years but it does not help with anxiety makes me worse anyone on this combo my doc wants to introduce ..leprexo but I'm worried about the side effects as I'm dealing with benzo withdrawal and health issues can anyone advice me what to expect ....nausea kills me and have tried ssri before but that was why they switched me to mirtz,just hope there is others that can help me

12-05-13, 07:15
I was on Mirtazapine for 7 months and it made my anxiety worse I thought too, in fact it just didn't agree with me full stop. I swapped to Escitalopram in November and 6 months later am having more good days than bad ones, it is defo the easiest SSRI I have started up on and I have tried them all I think, as well as Trazodone and Venlafaxine. But my doctor did prescribe Lorazepam so that really helped get me through the initial side effects which for me where insomnia, irritability, low mood, I didn't really notice a lot of heightened anxiety but I wanted to sleep during the day for a short while and had no appetite for about a fortnight or so. I was never really sick but had bad headaches for a long while. It really has been a life saver though xxx

Sasha 2012
13-05-13, 12:10
Thanks Karen it's only been 2days adding this med and I have all the effects you are having my doctor thought adding this medication may help me with anxiety then I may be able to slowly get off mirtazipine ,it's just I'm so sick andtired and the anxiety is crazy on my second day,does it get better I want to hope this med works as I want off mirtz ,it helps for sleep but not anxiety ,that's why they put me on it ,cos of my sleep problem,but the anxiety kills ya,does anyone know if both meds can be tolerated together I hope so,anyone out there on this combo I would love to know and also am worried about serotonin syndrome with both meds I'm really afraid to stay on both....I'm on 15mgs mirtz and 2.5 leprexo
Thanks Sasha

14-05-13, 17:04
It's def ok to be on the 2 (: I have heard of people lots of times taking both Mirt and an SSRI.
Yes, I promise the anxiety will get better, this time last year I was having panic attacks and horrific anxiety all day long and apart from feeling a little jittery first thing, I am really good now.
Hope you start to feel better really soon. xxx