View Full Version : Panic attack starting with intense emotional feeling

11-05-13, 11:49
Hi just want to check if anyone has had these symptoms a panic attack starting with an intense emotion like love happiness anger,despai I have had a few of these lately and never experienced it before, I have panic attacks for years and normally the negative thoughts start them off but I have had it a few times it's my emotional feelings that have caused them, has anyone had any of these or can someone help me to understand it thanks Reeny

13-05-13, 09:27
It's still the thoughts.

you are probably sensitized to nervous feedback. That is to say your body and mind will react quicker and stronger to sensations. Like at the end of a busy day when your nerves are on edge.

When you have a strong emotion your mind starts saying thoughts like "oh god what does this mean? This can't be normal! It shouldn't be like this. Is this a threat?".

So you might get a strong emotion from some source then mind interprets it in terms of a threat to the system.

13-05-13, 19:56
Thanks inconito....was wondering what was going on, your right am on high alert all the time.


18-05-13, 09:42
I know my panic attacks are with crying. I feel an intense emotion of sadness and I cant stop crying, then I panic and cant breath properly.

Is that what you mean? Because yes I think it can be normal to feel sad or distressed when having an attack.

19-05-13, 16:14
it's like I have a really strong emotion that is almost going to take over me and I freak out that I am not going to be able to control the emotion, like anger seemed intensified to that I am not going to be able to control it, feeling of sadness intensified to I can't go on anymore, it's like my emotions are extremely strong and i feel i can't control them which flings me right into a panic attack :(

19-05-13, 17:01
Hi Reeny
It must be a day for panic attacks. I feel for you. Had a bad couple of days myself though I do feel a bit better now. Snoodlester started a group hug for those feeling bad today. I don't normally subscribe to the touchy freely stuff but I need it today so here's a big hug for you!
Hope you feel better soon
Sal x

19-05-13, 22:03
Thanks Sal....I appreciate your kind words hopefully better day tomorrow for everyone.

Reeny x

20-05-13, 22:54
Anxiety and emotion are bound to one another. Blips are times of high emotion: fear, anger, sadness, even joy, elation and victory. Focus on how you react to your emotions as you are probably letting them lead you. Being emotion-led allows you to experience life in a deep and powerful way, but it is like trusting your life-boat to the ocean's currents: fun for a while, but you could end up off the coast of Korea, and no-one wants that.

My apologies to Fat Yung-Sue or whatever his name is for offending the honour of North Korea.

EDIT: Actually, "knackers" to him, the fat-faced whinger, and "my bare bottom" to North Korea.

21-05-13, 06:25
Thank you so much for the laugh you've just given me. I think I'm set up for the day!
Hope everyone is feeling better today.