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27-09-06, 10:42
Hi, some of my family and friends are convinced its my hormones that cause Anxiety/Panic. Im not sure really as im 43 now and had Agorophobia for 10 years. Although i do no my anxiety is alot worse a week before my periods start.
Would be interesting to know what age group of women as the highest percentage.

Please could you put your ages.

Many thanks



daisy chain
27-09-06, 11:01
:Dim a afraid your family are right some women who have never had anxiety before start to experience at premenerpause as early as 35 im 37 and my hormones have gone sky high my monthlys are so different to how i used to feel and im sorry to say we both have years of this untill we reach the menepause so good to be a women.ther are lots of herbal remedys to help us cope daisychain x

anita jane

27-09-06, 11:11
Hi,Im 39 and have had blood test done for my hormones,they are not balanced out.my moods have been worse and my anxiety.Its really hard to tell if it is hormones as I also have alot of stress in my life at the mo.anita is right it can all start at our age.:(:(

Ellen XX

27-09-06, 11:38
i agree totally, mine started after the birth of my daughter by cessarian section(which i think is a lot to blame for it)
I also find my symptoms are much worse before and during my period.
Lots of girls i have spoken to who had c sections suffer the same.....

its all very interesting



27-09-06, 13:31
hi new on here and just want to say im 33 and the week before is my worst week ever ,spoke to doctor about this he said it will be worse its connected with hormones the panic and anxiety

27-09-06, 16:44
I posted about this some time ago on here,
dont know how to find the link and post it here but maybe someone else will ?


27-09-06, 17:27
HORMONES AND ANXIETY - Estrogen dominant ? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=10908)
I think that's the one you wanted Mirry :)

polly daydream
27-09-06, 18:38
Hi, yes I agree it's defo to do with hormones, I had ovaries removed 3 years ago and since then my anxiety has gone through the roof, I am now 35. Am on hrt, it helps a little. It's not just lack of progesterone it can be also lack of oestrogen aswell.

Take care,

Polly x

27-09-06, 18:43
I'm not sure about hormones being involved or not. I've had 3 episodes of anxiety and panic, first time I had panic attacks for a year when I was 22 and bulimic, second time was when I was 26 and had panic attacks for about a year again and I was really unhappy at work and this last time I had GAD for about 6 months and I'm 36. The only common element to the 3 episodes is that my body and nervous system was under alot of stress.
love Helen

27-09-06, 18:45
I am really intrigued now by this. I am 39 years old (will be 40 near Christmas). I have poly-cystic ovarian syndrome and dont have periods at all. I wonder if my anxiety is linked to my hormones. I have had it on and off for 20 years now, since in my teens, and I have had times in this period when I have not suffered from GAD and PA's at all but then I have had times when it is more severe. I have been on anti-depressants, anti-anxiety meds and now am taking Propanolol and am not on any anti-d's and just take a small amount of Lorazepam when needed. However my IBS is another factor and this is bad at the moment. Althoug I dont have a menstral cycle to follow there are times when my GAD is much worse than other times. I am trying to do all the things I think will help eg have joined a gym, watching what I eat, trying to find some me time. I am determined not to allow it to interfere as much as I can with my life but if I could find out whether it is hormone linked there may be something else I could try and a bit of hope of another avenue to look at for help. If anyone else has anything helpful to add I'd be grateful.[8D]

29-09-06, 17:29
I read a couple of other posts about this. I'm not sure its just menopause that has an effect. My own pattern of higher anxiety levels fits in with PMS. This month I have been eating better, haven't given in to the urge to eat chocolate (as this upsets sugar levels and that also makes you feel anxious).

I have tried to eat more nuts and seeds, and trying to follow a low GI diet. I have been slightly more edgy the last few days, I'm irritable (my husband will agree!), but anxiety not too high yet. Watch this space...[8D]


29-09-06, 17:36
i'm 41 but have been have panic attacks and severe anxiety since i was 4 which is when the abuse started
they are worse just before my period though


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

29-09-06, 19:08

Thankyou all for taking the time to do the poll.

The results are very interesting, and could be hormone related, as the highest percentage is between the ages 35 and 55, no votes for 55 plus so at least theres something to look forward to(anxiety free) when im 55.

Once again thankyou all



30-09-06, 11:52
i think hormones do affect our anxiety as mine started asfter the birth of my second child, and i was agraphobic and had panic attacks which are terrifying. my symptoms are definitely worse when my period is due, so there must be a link

mandy xx

positive attitude brings positive results

30-09-06, 13:53
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">i agree totally, mine started after the birth of my daughter by cessarian section(which i think is a lot to blame for it)
I also find my symptoms are much worse before and during my period.
Lots of girls i have spoken to who had c sections suffer the same.....

its all very interesting



<div align="right">Originally posted by traciec39 - 27 September 2006 : 12:38:40</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Wow I do find that interesting as I have had 2 C-Sections! and I have just come off the contraceptive injection and now getting my cycle back and my anxiety has been through the roof!

I have the doctors on tuesday I might just ask if it could be linked.

Take Carexx


onwards and upwards

30-09-06, 13:55
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">i agree totally, mine started after the birth of my daughter by cessarian section(which i think is a lot to blame for it)
I also find my symptoms are much worse before and during my period.
Lots of girls i have spoken to who had c sections suffer the same.....

its all very interesting



<div align="right">Originally posted by traciec39 - 27 September 2006 : 12:38:40</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Wow I do find that interesting as I have had 2 C-Sections! and I have just come off the contraceptive injection and now getting my cycle back and my anxiety has been through the roof!

I have the doctors on tuesday I might just ask if it could be linked.

Take Carexx


onwards and upwards

08-10-06, 01:33

Over the last 4 months i have been keeping a diary regarding how i feel before my Periods start, the week before my period starts i am finding i get the same symptoms, bad tempered, binge eating, anxiety alot worse, also i know this sounds silly but i get 4 or 5 long facial hairs growing out of my face which i have to pluck off, also i have noticed my head itches because of a tingling sensation. gosh thats got to be hormones.

anyone else get these kind of symptoms?



08-10-06, 12:56
I'm hoping that my panic attacks and general anxiety are linked to hormones so that I will 'grow-out-of-it' as so many people have told me I will (I'm 17 and panic attacks started when I was 13)... come to think of it they must of started just after my periods did.

Interesting thought- there should be more research done into this and hopefully that non-exsistent magic cure will be invented!!!

13-03-07, 22:05
Good question Honeybee, I am 45 and am definately premenopausal, doc says its my hormones that make me have the odd bout of moodiness , sleepness nights, hot flushes, going hot and cold, feeling sleepy at times, I couldn't really say it had anything to do with anxiety or worries, as I am going through some changes, that I never associated with with my periods or experienced, mind you my periods only ever lasted for about 3 days max!!! sky

13-03-07, 22:11
Oops sorry pressed the wrong one mine started at 8 so thought that was the Q sorry:blush: it must be me old brain...I am now 33 and do agree that hormones play a Huge part in all of this mine got much....much worse after I had my son.

14-03-07, 02:16
I have had panic/anxiety since the age of 15 and am 36 now. I don't believe it has anything to do with hormones in my case as my anxiety is there 24/7 no matter what time of the month and I have never had children or problems with my periods. I have had all sorts of blood tests etc and my hormones are fine. Hormones may me a cause for some women but certainly not for all.

14-03-07, 11:14
I got my panic attacks age 26 after birth of my 3rd child then they mysteriously went whilst i was pregnant and came back in full force after birth of my 4th child! So i told the doctor that i thought it was my hormones but he said it was not that and refused to give me a hormone test and said it was simply that whilst i was pregnant that i was distracted ....mmm....but surely i would have been more distracted when i had another baby to look after 24/7??
Have a gut instinct its my hormones but doctor says anxiety sufferers are always looking for an 'answer'?
Nikki x

15-03-07, 21:41
Hi all!
I am 27 and I find my anxiety does get worse during my period. I have just had a blood test done to check for PCOS, should get results in a week or so. PCOS severely affects hormones and highly likely in turn anxiety. I guess it's just the last thing I need to rule out before I can focus 100% on the mental side of anxiety (think I am clutching at straws and praying for a cure!)

16-03-07, 13:21

What an interesting thread!!!

I have polycystic ovaries, so I took CLomid to induce ovulation. Started getting anxiety and panic attacks. Got pregnant while taking this medication. Im now 4 months pregnant and my anxiety is getting worse each day.

I have spoken to a specialist consultant who tells me she sees a lot of women who have taken drugs to help them get pregnant, then they start to suffer with anxiety!!! She said its hormones!!

I really hope my hormones settle down after the birth but I really cant do any 5 months of this worsening anxiety!

Liz xx

18-03-07, 22:52
I'm 17 and have been suffering from panic attacks since I was 13. I must admit, those 4 years (well, 3 1/2 technically) have really dragged!

Alot of people think it's my hormones that cause me to have them. I have to disagree because I am a very calm person. Never get PMT, never pull fits, nothing like that :lac:

21-03-07, 05:53
I think there may be a link.I'm 52 and have just gone throught the menopause and my panic attacks are far more frequent in the last couple of years.I don't know if there is any medical evidence to support this but I wouldn't be surprised

05-05-07, 17:01
I Giot It When I Was 25 Im Sure I Had Spurts Thru The Yrs But Werent Bad,when I Was 25 And Just Had A Baby I Seen A Phyciatrist And He Told Me I Needed Brain Surgery He Was A Quack!!!!!! Then He Told Me I Would Have These Attacks Till Menapuse Now Who Wants To Hear That At 25, Well Im Almost There At The Stages We Will See, Cant See It Gettin Any Worse.............best To Yas All........linda

06-05-07, 16:12
Never had panic attacks or this kind of anxiety until my after having kids. I was 36 when this started and my second child coming up to 18 months. so I wonder if hormones started it off because I never felt right after my second baby or my first come to think of it. But not panic attack until later. In the States they recognise something called postnatal anxiety.

And my anxiety and panic attacks frequency is bad all the time, but sky high the week before and during my period.

06-05-07, 20:20
Hi, i am now 37 and have suffered with anxiety/panic/PTSD and depression since i was 35. My circumstances are somewhat different i think because mine started after i had an operation which caused me to have PTSD and the rest followed. I must admit though, the week before my period i do feel more on edge and stuff and i also have more ectopics.x

13-05-07, 11:33
Mine started at 19 so no hormone link here.

Agree though that my anxiety is very much exagerated in the week or so before my period.


13-05-07, 16:21
I'm 45 and my first panic attack was at 38 - I don't know if it's hormone related or not really but I always like to keep an open mind!

I do think when I look back that I probably always was a bit of a worrier and my mum started with anxiety in her early 40's so I think perhaps I had a predispostion for the condition.

I did have an awful lot of stressors going on at the time just before my first panic attack, like divorce etc etc, so I've no idea if it would have happened if I had had a so called 'easy' time and what's easy to one person can be tough for someone else can't it.

Lol that's my short answer! :blush:

Piglet :flowers:

14-05-07, 11:08
I'm 35 and have suffered from panic/anxiety on and off since I was 19. I haven't got a clue why it started but it's been the worse it's ever been in the last 7 months.

14-05-07, 18:58
I am really intrigued now by this. I am 39 years old (will be 40 near Christmas). I have poly-cystic ovarian syndrome and dont have periods at all. I wonder if my anxiety is linked to my hormones. I have had it on and off for 20 years now, since in my teens, and I have had times in this period when I have not suffered from GAD and PA's at all but then I have had times when it is more severe. I have been on anti-depressants, anti-anxiety meds and now am taking Propanolol and am not on any anti-d's and just take a small amount of Lorazepam when needed. However my IBS is another factor and this is bad at the moment. Althoug I dont have a menstral cycle to follow there are times when my GAD is much worse than other times. I am trying to do all the things I think will help eg have joined a gym, watching what I eat, trying to find some me time. I am determined not to allow it to interfere as much as I can with my life but if I could find out whether it is hormone linked there may be something else I could try and a bit of hope of another avenue to look at for help. If anyone else has anything helpful to add I'd be grateful.[8D]

hi there, i also have PCOS and i definately think there is a link between that and anxiety. i still have a menstral cycle and find that my anxiety gets worse around that time. i read an article stating that panic attacks were a symptom of PCOS, though i have been unsuccessful in finding any furthur information on the subject. i have asked my doctor about this on a few occasions as i have convinced myself that it is related but they have been unable to shed any light on the subject. i would love to hear from you if you discover any information.

all the best


15-05-07, 21:03
my panic atacks started just after i gave birth to my first child, who was delivered by forcepts, so i had to have an epidural and that realy freaked me out, so i blame the type of birth i had on my panic attacks.xx. but then i have went through so much in life so it could be the latter.

17-05-07, 08:39
I believe our hormones have something to do with it if not all.
i have always been anxious from a kid but 9 years ago i started an early menopause at the age of 39 and thats when i had my first real horrific panic attack.
I have never been the same since :wacko:

28-05-07, 20:52
Hi honeybee,my anxiety and pa's have always been worse around my period,so much so that i went to the docs last week to be put on a new contraceptive pill what stops your periods altogether,ive only just started with it a week or so ago and im looking forward to no more periods!!!my sisters been taking it for a year now and shes fine so fingers crossed...

Take care,Candie xxxx

29-05-07, 19:18
Having suffered anxiety forever to the best of my memory I can't blame it all on hormones. However my worst times are linked with hormonal surges. Suicidal at 13, other reasons, but definitely hormonal with the onset of periods. My longest bout was when I turned 32, and I was told I was peri-menopausal at that time.
Having been doing well for the last six years, and especially the last two it all changed at Christmas when I started taking migraines. Three or four a week, left me drained and my agoraphobia was creeping back. My doctor tried different avenues, prescribed different meds and has come to the conclusion it is the start of menopause and I need HRT. So again back to hormones, so I for one do think if you have an existing problem the hormones will magnify it.
Took my first HRT tablet yesterday, so shall wait and see if it helps - willing to give anything a go to stop the backwards trend.

04-06-07, 06:41
My anxiety is alot higher around my periods i dread that time i am learning to manage it but it is taking a while

04-06-07, 09:04
Never had panic attacks myself but my anxiety/depression kicked in when I was 14. Without meaning to cause offence to anyone or sound ageist, perhaps the results of this poll might be slightly biased as there's probably a greater proportion of people of my age who use the net compared to the over 55s? Having said that, this forum does have a really healthy mix of ages....

08-06-07, 13:45
Hi Yes mine started about 3 years ago
But have definitly noticed my monthly cycle has changed

When I was younger I never had this and the odd bit of pain with my period

But now they are different the anxiety before is dredfull, also a lot more pain and can feel quite sick just before

I am just starting the pill to see if it will help at all

I do think its all related

10-06-07, 11:22
I'm sure my problems are hormone related somehow, I'm 37 and never had any problems with anxiety or panic attacks before the last 2 years. My doctor did a blood test and although the first one came back with a high reading the second one came back normal so he left it at that. My periods have changed to every 2 to 3 weeks and I feel irritable a lot more often too.


15-06-07, 15:36
I believe our hormones have something to do with it if not all.
i have always been anxious from a kid but 9 years ago i started an early menopause at the age of 39 and thats when i had my first real horrific panic attack.
I have never been the same since :wacko:

Amen to that. I just joined this forum today. I have always been an anxious person...always assuming the worst of something especially with my health (watched both parents suffer with long illnesses and only me to care for them). But in the past 4 or 5 years its been much worse. I'm almost 45 and I believe I started peri-menopause about 5 years ago.I go months without a period (have for the past few years) and my anxieties and panic attacks have increased. Although my gyno 5 years ago seemed to think I was too young (at 40) to be starting menopause, everything I've read since then says otherwise. I'm adopted so I have no idea what my true family history is. Seeing so many of you post that your hormones seem to be a factor helps my thinking though. I just hope I 'grow out of it' as I get older. :shrug:


03-07-07, 00:06
Well, by far the worst panic attack I ever had was during my period. I often have bad ones during or just before it, and was also pretty bad when I was pregnant. I think it's more to do with hormonal fluctuation than with female hormones per se.

04-07-07, 18:13
I was 13 when I experienced my first panic attack. I'm almost 20 now.

18-07-07, 17:46
Hi, I think anxiety is related to hormones to. I am 39 and since I came off the oral contraceptive pill I have felt awful each month about a week before my period and during. I have never suffered from anxiety before this. My doctor thinks I may be perimenopausal to and saysif it gets worse he would put me back on the pill which is what I don't want as it gave me bad headaches all the time. I would definitely say that I get more PA's, palpitations and heightened anxiety just before my period and also my periods used to be between 32 and 35 days, they are now between 24 and 28 days but a lot shorter.

18-09-07, 11:05
I'm 33, never had PA until this year. Mother in law passed away in January in difficult circumstances. I got Bronchitis and query Asthma at the same time. Lost my job in March. Had a miscarriage in April and PA started July. But looking back after the miscarriage I had a few problems when out so these may have been the start of PA. Now on medication and coping much better.

17-10-07, 17:11
hi im 43 had panic for 10 years but it does get really bad just before that time of the month but i had a blood test dont to see if i was in the change in my life and itr came bk no but i do think it is to do with that as my mum was the same for many years

17-10-07, 19:43
Hi All

I had my first panic attack when I was 24 (I'm 44 now) when my kids were 5 & 3. I'm lucky that I've never suffered from PMT and can honestly say I don't notice any change in my anxiety/panic in the week before my period. I think my problems are more emotional than hormonal

Take care

06-12-07, 01:22
I'm not sure this poll would point to a truly accurate picture as a lot of internet users are younger generation and older people are not as likely to have a computer or know how to use the internet. Not saying they can't it's just a known statistic. Just thought I would add my thought.

Although if people who have anxiety don't have the internet it's a shame as they might not know what resources and support are available online such as this site.

28-01-08, 21:55
I asked a question about this yesterday,as my symptoms get worse just before my period is due, i deffo think hormones are related to anxiety. I started my periods at 11, had 2 children, and up until 2 years ago took the pill since then i have become more anxious and panicky,not full on like it is now but has built up gradually. My mum and nan both started their periods the same age as me and my mum began the menopause at 35, 4 years away from what i am now,she also suffers with anxiety. Family history has a lot to do with it too but prodominatly its hormones, i have seen what my mum has been through in the last 15 years and it looks as if im going to be the same.

28-01-08, 23:07
I had never thought about Hormones.

29-01-08, 13:32
Interesting about the hormones! I have been on the same pill for years but i have had problems with it (now i come to think about it) since my panic attacks started 1 year and a half ago! the doc was reluctent to change it incase it made me more depressed messing around with the hormones! think its time to change and see what happens with the anxiety! xxx

(by the way i voted myself as under 25 although prob the last time i can do that as im 25 next week):blush:

15-02-08, 01:08

I've always thought that my anxiety/panic attacks were caused by my hormones. Originally when I first went to my doctors and was diagnosed with panic attacks I told her I thought it was something to do with my hormones or possibly PMS as I only ever had the panic attacks the week before and the week during my period but she always shrugged it off. For the last 6 years I have been back a lot to see about this but now i'm told it's just in my head!!! It's frustrating.

I have finally managed to get her to give me a blood test to check my hormone levels although she has told me if there was a problem with that then I wouldn't have a period. I now have panic attacks all the time but they do still seem worse around my period.

I also read a story years ago about a woman who had panic attacks and then she fell pregnant and never had a panic attack during it but when her periods started again she started having them all the time.

P.s I'm 20

20-04-08, 16:45
hi well im another one whos anx and panic is worse the week before, this has only been happening since last summer, i was 44 in feb, docs say im to young though, blood test showed hormone levels normal for a woman of my age !!!!! i ask you that was a lot of help, but yes iam def convinced that anx and hormones are linked ..... whod be a woman

20-04-08, 20:29
I have always been a bit of a worrier and had IBS when younger but now I am 38 I am suddenly anxious and nervous and my heart thumps away and misses beats and I gte in a tizzy, yes mine is worse around monthlies and my doc said hormones get worse with age and after kids. I am worried I will feel like this for years and its horrible. I have just started taking vitamin B in a complex form called Country life Stress M, has anyone else tried it? Also with Omega 3. I am hoping it will help, somethings got to.

23-04-08, 14:01
hi, so glad read all these.. my pmt/ anxiety horrid. sore lumpy boobs from when i start ovulating! dc put me back on the combined pill, which im bit scared about as my blood pressure bit high and im 37 :doh: worried case it makes my anxity worse!! my poor doctor cant win with me!! lol goin to take it and see. only been on it 3 days and my anx bad today.. but then again im on my period so probably that!!( i worry to much!!) becca xx

26-04-08, 15:41
This is REALLY interesting.
My hormones have never been checked and my periods have never been regular. Actually, thinking about it I did have a time when they became regular over the last 2 years and my anxiety was definately less.
I can't remember if my panic attacks started after my first miscarriage or not.
I've read the thread from 2006 and it makes sense.
I'm going to talk to my doctor about this.

26-04-08, 15:42
I voted for 35-45 but my panic attacks started when I was 18.

23-10-08, 14:43
im 17..xx

The Fool
23-10-08, 15:15
ive been told that alot of the time anxitey can be caused completly by hormones which is why alot of us will start around 11-12 years old at the start of puberty,i find my anxitey levels increase on the week of my period and my mum said that her anxitey levels went crazy through pregnancy,so i think it is all to do with hormones really.

24-10-08, 15:25
This has been mentioned to me too. I am always more emotional a few days before my period is due and since suffering with anxiety and panic attacks tey seem to intensify around my due date. Although my periods are still regular they both my mother and aunt started their perimenopause in their late 30's (I am now 42)
What can I do though, I have mentioned it to te doctor but they said it cant be that.

27-10-08, 07:29

i have just turned 44 and i am more anxious the week before my period is due.

27-10-08, 09:26
I'm more emotional in my pre-menstrual week but the panic and anxiety are completely random - i.e I can have higher anxiety mid cycle, end of cycle or during my period. BTW I'm 34.

27-10-08, 11:37
I'm not sure if hormones cause anxiety because I've had it since childhood - although it wasn't recognised or diagnosed then.

I've continued to suffer with anxiety and I'm now 39. Maybe hormones cause worse anxiety at certain times but I'm not sure it is the cause.

Interesting question though.

Karen xx

27-10-08, 18:36
Hm, this is interesting... I have read before that the majority of women who have anxiety issues have their first panic attacks when they are in their teens or early twenties. I know that is when my panic attacks first started...

Southernstar - I have very sporadic periods due to anxiety, although now my GP wants me to have a blood test to make sure I don't have polycystic ovaries(!)

27-10-08, 18:37
Hi there

im 26 and been having anxiety for 3 years - mine is worst the week after my period!!!!!!!!

19-11-08, 22:50
That's what my family AND my doctor seem to think. If that's the case, I won't like "Change of life" at ALL. I'm also noticing it seems to coincide with that "time of the month." Worse a few days before, during and a few days afterwards.

05-12-08, 16:02
im 16 and I first started panic attacks about 5 days ago. I feel like ive had it for years though. Its soo much for me. My mum said its my hormones being a teenager. I dont know really. She said it could be a side-effect of my medicine that im not taking. But thing is, it never helps me.

I used to suffer from minor-anorexia. I went crazy over what I ate. If I ate one weetbix ( its a flake thing made from wheat and its fat) I felt like a total-pig and If I ate half I felt like I 'ate too much'.
I only had a yoghurt or half a banana and a incy bit of dinner a day. I was soo scared of getting fat. I got really slim but I didnt believe I was slim. Id still see myself as fat and keep dieting. It all got too much for me and one day I just went crazy and ate like 20 biscuits!
then I went crazy with binging out and gained weight. Then I went into crazy exercising. 30 mins of jogging a day was my goal along with about 90 push ups, about 200 bend-overs ( thats what I call them when you touch your toes :) )
and stretching and sit-ups about over a hundred times a day. That lasted for a while, but I guess it all got too much for me and I stopped exericising as much. I only went to a little bit a day. I still was obsessed with my weight though.
I dont think about my problems with weight now, because my phobia has token up my whole head and thoughts. I dont know its thats bad or good. But I think I would rather worry about my weight than feel the pain I do :(

05-12-08, 16:50
I Absolutely Love This Site! What A Blessing It Is To Have Found Others Just Like Me...makes Coping So Much Easier. The Support I Find Here Is Awesome.

I'm 47 And A Week Before And The First Couple Of Days Of My Cycle Is Horrendeous. I Go To Bed And Practically Stay There During This Time. Never Use To Be Like That Until A Few Years Ago. I'm More Dizzy And Panicky Than Usual And I Feel Like I'm Losing My Mind. I Also Feel Like I'm Coming Down With The Flu But It's Not The Flu. What's Curious Though Is The Fact That I Don't Seem To Be Having Too Many Mood Swings. I Mean I Cry More Often These Days But I'm Getting Use To That. I'm Not So Grouchy During This Time. I Did Purchase Some Otc Estrogen Stuff...it's All Natural But Haven't Taken It Yet Because I Have A Phobia Of Meds Now. I'm Afraid Of Side Effects And How It'll Make Me Feel. My Pharmacist Told Me It Would Be Completely Safe To Take Along With My Hbp Meds But Even With That Reassurance I'm Still Afraid. I'll Start Off Taking A Small Piece Then Work My Way Up ...i'm Such A Chicken I Swear!

It's So Nice To Know I'm Not Alone In All This Madness!


23-12-08, 23:17
I'm 22 in a few days and i'd say mine are worse at time of the month- just hormones. Well this was the case before i started going to the gym, that keeps mine away.

06-01-09, 20:42
My panic attacks started aged 29 after a traumatic event. I'm 38 now and still get them regularly, but I had started to improve until earlier this year I was given the Mirina coil, an IUD with hormones in it and it sent me round the twist with anxiety, it has been one of my worse years ever. I knew at the time it was a mistake and I was talked into having it just as I was being wheeled down for surgery. :mad: (that cross face is for myself for not being firmer).

So I do think hormones have a part to play, not always, and maybe for some more than others. I also had an ovary removed when I was 29, sortly after this traumatic event and that in itself would have hormonal implications.

10-01-09, 14:44
Interesting read...my b/friend keeps telling me its my hormones he says it "HAS" to be, and he knows exactly when im due a period just by the moods lol
ive even told the docs that i think its my hormones, with my b/friend with me.
but if it IS my homones why dont they prescribe something for that instead of antidepressents?????

04-03-09, 08:58
Hi everyone

So interested to find this thread. The hormone question is something that I am becoming more convinced about. I had a perfectly "normal" life until my late 30's when anxiety and panic attacks kicked in big time. I wonder if some of us have to much, to little, hormone or react excessively to the changes in their levels. I say this because I have also had breast cancer that was oestrogen receptive, i.e. needs the hormone to grow. DON'T PANIC READERS, I am the only panic stricken person (and I know a lot) that I know that has had cancer, maybe it was just my bodies way of reacting? I do have other friends that have become increasingly anxious/depressed at around the same age.

There is a very good web site www.menopausematters.co.uk where hormonal ladies discuss this is detail.

I was only thinking the other day I wish everyone suffering from anxiety could have their hormone levels checked. Sadly as our condition is not life threatening although we feel like it most of the time Lol, I can't see anyone spending the time or resources to check it out, but your poll is a good start.

TTFN Mistral X

04-03-09, 09:35
Hi Mirry

Just read your previous thread but it stops at page 9! like reading a novel with the last page missing. How are you getting on with your cream ?? The symptoms you researched for low progesterone levels are me to a "T".

The good news with the above poll is that most people seem to be under 55, so maybe after the menopause we will get our lives back !

I wonder if we could get a research group somewhere to look at this issue. Unless you suffer from PA's or anxiety people have absolutely no idea of how awful you feel, it is a living hell.

TTFN Mistral X

07-03-09, 17:22
I am now what is termed as being peri-meno.. I have suffered with bouts of anxiety on and off since childhood but nothing compared to now, i am convinced that the changes in hormone levels does increase anxiety and mood swings and does get worse with the onset of the Meno. It is a fact that we produce less of a particular hormone with age and to say that it can cause havoc, in my case is an understatement.. I am sorry to say that in my experience so far, Anxiety/panic/Mood swings does not get easier with age..I am praying that if i make it through the Meno and all it that it entails there will be some end to all this... Menopause Matters is a good forum by the way..

08-03-09, 20:03
im 15, have ad anxiety problems and trouble leaving the house since third grade, and for no apparent reason. I just hope since this has started so early that when i am older i will have a really good control on it.

28-07-09, 16:02
im 15, have ad anxiety problems and trouble leaving the house since third grade, and for no apparent reason. I just hope since this has started so early that when i am older i will have a really good control on it.

Heya - Im with you on this one.... I started having them when i was 17 and still have them now im 21 - But Im in the belief like you that I will have ace controll on it when I get older :hugs:

30-07-09, 14:08
Hi I'm 35 and I have noticed that my anxiety is worse before my period.

30-07-09, 17:28
My anxiety gets worse at certain times of the month definately.
I asked my GP when i went for blood test if it could be hormone related she doubts it would be connected.
My thyroid levels were checked as this can cause anxiety - but everything was fine. This is all connected to hormones i'm sure.

02-08-09, 19:19
I am convinced hormones are a massive part of the problem for many women. There is a brilliant doctor called professor John Studd who treats women with hormone issues. Look up Denise Welch crying on loose women on youtube. She mentions him. He believes that for women who are really bad it can end up being a problem all month - not just the week or so before a period.

I have spoken with two women he treats - basically he uses a drug to stop your ovaries completely - then gives hormones in the right doses. So basically he stops all your hormones then adds them back. he believes that just giving progestorone or eostrogen can make things worse as it is about the balance.

Because he only stops them initially for a few months this gives him time to see if it IS hormonal with that individual. Denise welch says she lost twenty years of her life being told she was depressive and taking tablets that didnt work and within months of seeing him she was fine.

One woman I spoke to had been hospitalized three times and told she had severe anxiety and severe depression - but nothing was working - within three months of seeing him she was fine. she has not had one single depressive episode or panic attack since. he has written an interesting paper about the way women with emotional symptoms are referred to psych or given anti depressants as first line treatment and not checked out for hormone issues - which he thinks should always be first.

The treatment is quite extreme but for those who really think it is hormonal he could be a good man to see maybe. He aint cheap though - about 500 in total i think for the consultation tests and treatment.

08-08-09, 18:24
Wow, what an interesting topic and the hormone theory does seem to hold water.

I've had panic attacks ever since I was little and they started well before I even got my first period. However, I will say that they have definitely increased (both in severity and frequency) over time and, yes, they definitely did get worse "after" I began my periods. Granted, many of us "do" get a little...'wonky' the week before our period and sometimes during it which can be considered quite normal but, even so, most "normal" (period) symptoms shouldn't leave one so anxiety riddled that they are virtually incapacitated each and every month. Hmmm, yeah, maybe hormones really do play a major factor in this area, one even moreso than I first originally thought. Very interesting!

10-08-09, 13:48
Hi, Im 28, I think hormones do have a lot to do with it yes! I have only recently started having anxiety problems since being pregnant and having my little girl.