View Full Version : Hit someone's car help!!!

11-05-13, 12:19
Hi guys.
Earlier today I was moving out of a parking space on a road.
Somebody had parked ridiculously close to me. Anyway I had a little space behind me and thought I could manouvere out.
As I drove away I accidently sctratched the front of their car.
I have since left a note for the owner as its on my road and he might recognise me.

Have I.done the correct thing?
I am very worried that he will ring me up and be angry or ask for more money than hr should.
I can't really afford it either.
Close to having a panic attack help!

11-05-13, 12:25
Hi, You did the right thing to leave a note admitting the incident, that is much better than not admitting to it. Is it a scratch on the car in fronts bumper? if so, there is not likely to be anything much to worry about, the insurance will cover it in any event, its better if you have a protected NCD.

11-05-13, 12:33
You did the right thing, plenty of people damage other cars and just drive off and hope they get away with it, so well done for doing the right thing and leaving a note.

If it is a small scratch it can often be polished out, which is very cheap, even respraying a bumper doesn't cost that much, but if it is expensive let the insurance company deal with it as they will make the other driver get a quote from an approved garage.

11-05-13, 17:23
You've done exactly the right thing. If the owner has half a brain, he will be grateful you owned up at all.

If his quote sounds unreasonable, you can go through your insurance companies. I hope you hear from him soon, it will probably put your mind at ease.

11-05-13, 17:43
Hi everyone thanks for your help.
Just an update, he text me & said thank you for the note it was very kind and he was grateful for my honesty.
He said not to worry about it as his car has many scratches thankfully!

11-05-13, 18:42
Glad all turned out ok for you GirlAfraid.
Wish there were more people like you.:hugs::hugs:

11-05-13, 22:03
Really well done on two counts... First your honesty, there are alot of people who wouldn't have done that and second that you took responsibility for what had happened. I'm really glad it panned out ok too. A positive result for your admirable actions.