View Full Version : How am I going to get past this?

11-05-13, 13:28
I had a bad panic attack In the car last week and I know I over did it.

I know I have to take things gradually and build up to the situation I fear most but I'm finding that really hard to do. I'm reliant on my dad to drive me at the moment and I just can't seem to make him understand. We were going to out this pm to collect some lights and this would be a good start. But the store's just called to say sorry they're not in stock after all. So dad said let's go to the other store which is a longer drive and along the same bit of road I freaked out on. I said um no - his response why not? Even mum said it's not that far so I tried to explain the term gradual again. I have to travel on this road later this week but if I can't practice I don't know what to do :(

11-05-13, 15:54
Hi Snoodlester
I can totally relate to what you are going through, I have suffered on and off from anxiety and panic attack for years, just over a week ago they reared their ugly head again. I had panic attack at work and my boss called the paramedics. Since then I have been terrified every morning whilst going to work thinking its going to happen again, I had another episode this Thursday and my partner had to fetch me home, he is very supportive but sometimes I think that when people have not experienced themselves they don’t know how to react, he said its all in your head you know it will pass, if you were a child you would be told off and told to get on with it. People don’t understand when they have never been through it. Hope you manage to make your journey. Keep strong.

11-05-13, 19:09
Thanks Claire - sorry you're having such a hard time at the moment. I think we all know it's all in our head, but it's how we convince ourselves that's the key! Hope you feel better soon.

12-05-13, 18:30
Hope your feeling better soon too. Feel free to message any time. I find I does help talking to others in same circumstances. :)