View Full Version : Tips on how to deal with hypochondria?

11-05-13, 14:50
I'm pretty new here and I just discovered this site. I won't waste time introducing myself as it would take quite some time, so I'll just get to the main point. I'm a chronic hypochondriac and I'm constantly fearing about my health. Recently I've picked up a fear of ALS (or Lou Gehrig's Disease) because my right arm and hand have started to feel weird. People around me keep on telling me to stop thinking about it, and I try, but it never works because I keep on thinking about it. Any tips on how to get rid of these thoughts?

11-05-13, 15:19
Hi and :welcome:

Have you read this page yet:


12-05-13, 08:32
Hey there. ALS has been one of my biggest fears of all. Message me if you wanna talk. Btw, you don't have ALS. ALS is not just a "feeling". It is a clinical weakness, for example, one day you can hold a kettle of water, and a couple days later suddenly you can only hold it with half water, and then not at all. It is tremendous and noticeable. Took me a while to realize this, but I came to my senses over a couple months :P haha