View Full Version : Really worried, my 15 year old son has a lump above his ankle

11-05-13, 15:25
My son plays every sport, and especially hockey he is in a hitting level. At the end of the hockey season he was saying he had a lump slightly above his ankle that was hurting a bit to skate because the boot was rubbing on it. I took him for an x ray and it says that it could be an old injury that didn't heal properly or it could be a subtle bone leasion. I am sick to death that it could be some kind of bone cancer. Please any advice would be great. All his blood work came back good and he is booked for a bone scan I just don't know when yet

11-05-13, 15:57
Lumps are so scary! I have one on the back inside of my ankle that's been there a couple years. Sometimes it bothers me, sometimes I forget its there. My Dr said maybe a bone spur or something. I bebet the fact that your son is so physically active is the reason behind his lump. Hope this helps!

11-05-13, 17:10
Wouldn't bone cancer show up on an x-ray? I only say this because I was reading something yesterday about one of my own HA issues and it was saying that dentists use xrays as it can detect any abnormalities and bone cancers so I would imagine that if dental x rays can detect a cancer of the jaw then other x rays can detect cancers of other bones.

It might be because they think there is an underlying infection or a very small fracture that has not shown up on the x ray.

Try not to worry easier said that done I know but I would have thought that anything that sinister would be fairly obvious.

Take care