View Full Version : Hi & advice please

11-05-13, 15:33
Hi everyone thought I'd join & tell every1 my story so far & hopes that there is light at the end! I started my own company in November which was quite stressful as I left a good job wiv good sick pay & holiday etc then at start of the year my dad got depression badly which eventually led 2 him trying 2 take his own life, I seemed 2 cope wiv it all fine & was visiting my dad in mental health hospital & talking 2 him bout what he was thinking & how stupid it sounded wiv the things he was saying, then all of a sudden a few weeks later I started getting this sinking feeling in my stomach & started thinking exactly the same as my dad! Almost like he'd taught me how 2 think like that! I basically went into a state of anxiety where I couldn't stop over thinking everything & it was all negative,I thought I was gonna lose everything & had no positives, I couldn't sleep 4 anything, I was given 10mg citalopram & beta blocker (20mg 3 times a day) after bout 5 days anxiety went & I could go back 2 work which was a relief as my main worry was not working and not paying the bills. I stopped taking the beta blockers & continued on the citalopram, but although the anxiety had stopped I felt like I had nothing 2 look forward to in life, like I was just existing, but I thought as long as I was working & sleeping l'll deal wiv this using cbt, then 3 weeks later I started getting sinking feeling again & went back into anxious state, doctors has now put me on 20mg but I just as so scared, I stupidly compare myself 2 my dad which is crazy cause he had depression which I have never had but now I feel like I have maybe got it? I think I'll end up in a home which I would never of thought if it wasn't 4 visiting my dad! I've been on 20mg for 4 days now, which started making me more anxious at 1st but that's going now, it's the constant thinking & not sleeping I can't handle. Will it get better? As I said I haven't had depression b4 & I have recently had a bit of anxiety when abroad but nothing bad so why suddenly get the worst anxiety ever at 29 years old? Just bought on by the stress of my dad & business I suppose, just need 2 stop saying 2 myself I'm like my dad, sorry 4 the long story, any positive advice would be gratefull

11-05-13, 15:46
Hi & welcome to NMP. I'm sorry to hear about what you are currently going through. You've come to right place as everyone on here will understand. We all have our stories to tell and are all at different stages of the journey.

Yes things will improve, I promise you that. Trouble is with things there is no quick fix answer. You need to trust your GP, and have open & honest conversations with him about how you are feeling. I can imagine its hard if you've never experienced this before. Is your GP aware of what happened to your Dad?

11-05-13, 15:52
I know there is hope, just want to go back 2 my normal life, my original doctor was the same as my dads (put me on 10mg) since then she's retired & I've moved 2 local doctors (put me on 20mg) he also knows about my dad. So does my cbt therapist (only had 1 session) is the negative/over thinking anxiety or depression

11-05-13, 16:01
Well I'm no expert and my guess would be things are different for everyone but for me negative thoughts are always one of the first signs of depression. Then its generally the fear of these negative thoughts that creates the anxiety...it then becomes a vicious circle.

11-05-13, 16:01
Hi Chapstick
Sorry you are going through a bad time. The site is really good and everyone seems really friendly, sure you will get some good advice on here. I find it helps to know that there’s not only me feeling the way I do, and that people do get through.
Hope you start to feel better soon.

12-05-13, 16:29
Feel really bad today like I just can't cope anymore, I keep thinking my only option is a mental home! Crazy I know, I am in what I can only describe as pure hell, I don't want to kill myself as its selfish & I just don't want to die but I don't know what else to do! I need advice, has any1 else been here b4 & got out of it? I just can't find any positives now, I feel like I need 2 b sedated