View Full Version : does skin become more transparent with age?

11-05-13, 17:42
Ok, so Im approaching my 30th birthday this month. I am going through some pretty bad HA due to swollen lymph nodes. But before this I was working out 4-6 days a week, I have lost 75lbs since 2011. So, naturally I see things already that I am not used to. But at the height of my intense routines, I noticed my veins becoming more prominent. I chalked it up to working out hard. But now that Im dealing with this HA, it's freaking me out. I noticed varicose veins on my thighs too, that are new. I used to work out my shoulders a lot and I just noticed I can see my veins really well on the front of my shoulders now and it's freaking me out. I especially see them down the inside of my forearms, my neck (an OCD obsession right now) and chest and my hands.

Could this be health related? My BP is normal. and so far, 6 blood draws, a chest xray and the docs cant find anything wrong with me. I CANNOT Google, I will send myself over the edge today. I have already done that with something I read HERE last night about Lymphoma.

Im on edge, please help!!!

11-05-13, 17:55
I know skin gets thinner with age, hence why older people tend to bruise more easily and you tend to hear of older people bleeding more easily because the skin has thinned.

So I would imagine that if it gets thinner it's easier to see through.

Yours is probably down to weight loss that is a lot of weight to lose and well done you for doing it (wish I had your motivation).

But if you have lost that amount of weight and you are working out a lot you are bound to be a lot leaner and have a lot less fat under your skin. I think it would be a bit like looking at a skinny persons ribs to someone who is carrying some weight, on the bigger person they would be barely visible but if you are thin then they are usually quite prominent and can stick out, so it's probably the same with veins and things.

The other thing is are you doing weights? it's just when my husband does weight training his veins are far more noticeable but he says that's a good thing and he has a degree in health and exercise so knows a fair amount about it.

I'm not a doctor but the fact you've had a lot of tests done and they are all fine should reassure you, something would show up if anything was wrong.
take care