View Full Version : Freaking out about climate change! Anyone else?

11-05-13, 18:02
It said on the news this morning that CO2 has reached a record level where they monitor it. I know this is kind of making a point because it's a round number, rather than a limit of something that's going to affect the climate suddenly, but it shows no-one is bothering to do anything surely?
Also it's been hailing then sunny again ten minutes later at least twice today. Can any older people tell me if it's always done that sometimes in England? It seems to be just the last 6-8 years because I don't remember it happening when I was a kid.

Am I the only one who worries about this? Especially when certain people (i.e Guardian Environment) try to scare everyone with things about tipping points, sea levels rising by 200 feet, forests growing in Antarctica, and all the other things. :wacko:

11-05-13, 18:21
I remember it snowing in April about 20 years ago and snowing in May about 30 years ago. The summers did seem to be hotter when I was a child but maybe that is because I remember the sunny days more than than the miserable ones :)

11-05-13, 18:56
I worry about it too, but I have faith that the world will look after itself. Things are always changing.

11-05-13, 22:00
I don't like listening to anything related to this, I will change channel or mute the sound if it comes on the news!!! Our winters were most definitely more severe in terms of low temps and snow, frost etc.
Definitely not as wet as it is now
I recall summers being longer and hotter. 1976 in particular!!

11-05-13, 22:26
Oh yes I remember 1976..so hot and no rain..I was working as a nanny in London and we had to be so careful with water....hose pipe bans.

11-05-13, 22:59
Thanks. I'm glad it's not just me who worries about this sort of thing, although I guess if no-one was bothered at all it would be a lot worse. :)
It particularly scares me when they mention 'tipping point' because then whenever we have three or four days of slightly unusual weather I wonder if it's the beginning of something really bad! I do follow some interesting clean energy developments, which may or may not be hoaxes but at least one of them looks hopeful. I'm not posting them here though because I'll look like a conspiracy theorist!

PS: @PanchoGoz, sorry if this is nosy but I couldn't help noticing your avatar. Cool! :blush:

11-05-13, 23:15
Thank you! Funny this topic came up today, in Bath we had some incredible storms this evening, hail and lightening. Must have come over from you!

NE21 worrier
11-05-13, 23:58
My mum loved 1976. She left school, enjoyed the long, hot summer and met my dad. Then, seven years later, I came along and spoiled the fun :D x

12-05-13, 12:43
My parents got married that summer :)

12-05-13, 12:49
Our planet is a lot healthier then it used to be (especially back in the Victorian and Industrial Revolution era where pollution killed thousands). There are very smart people doing a lot of work into producing renewable and clean energy that, one day soon, will become readily available commercially.

Don't worry, the world is a lot stronger than the media make it out to be. It will heal and we will look after it better, we are learning.

13-05-13, 10:34
Climate change isn't new of course, it's been going on for millions of years, and will continue to do so. But what saddens me is mankind's attitude towards our planet, there seems to be so little respect for it. Chopping down rain forests, pollution, dumping toxic waste, none of this can help and it shows how little we care. We only have one home, we should cherish it.

13-05-13, 13:17
I couldnt agree more Maxie.