View Full Version : Anyone else scared that the doctors have missed something?

11-05-13, 18:59
4 consultations over the last two months and two different doctors telling me they're so sure I have no reason to be worried about small lumps on my body they don't even think I need a simple blood test (which I had to refrain from insisting on). I always feel like I wasn't clear about something or that there was something they forgot to check and I have many lumps over my body so obviously they haven't checked every single one because there are some I need to dig at and search to point out, but what if there's that one malignant lump in there which the doctor didn't check? What if there's something I should have mentioned which I didn't which could alter the doctors entire perception of things? What if the doctors just didn't take my concerns seriously and didn't check properly? I've read so many horror stories (I don't know why I do this to myself, i can't stay off google) about people who doctors brushed away and had cureable strains of cancer which were so advanced by the time they were taken seriously the people couldn't survive. I know these stories aren't reflective of real life because I'm sure for every 1 person who this has happened to there have been a thousand who the doctors told were okay and they were okay, but that's a boring story, isn't it? Then again I think, what if I am that 1 in a thousand, it's driving me mad but can two doctors and four consultations all resulting in very similar diagnoses be wrong? :(

11-05-13, 19:00
Hi there

We do have many posts like this on here yes.

If you scroll down to the bottom you will see similar threads so you can read them as well

11-05-13, 19:02
Hi there

We do have many posts like this on here yes.

If you scroll down to the bottom you will see similar threads so you can read them as well

I'm sorry for posting again, I should have thought about scrolling through the forum a bit first. You could delete this thread if you'd like :)

11-05-13, 19:09
No it is fine, I just noticed that there are a lot of others like you so you may gain something by reading their posts as well.

11-05-13, 19:21
Absolutely!!! I keep being reassured that my lumps appear harmless for now but the what if's are driving me INSANE. I give myself panic just typing in Google in the address bar. Google is actually a trigger for panic attacks for me now. The dr's say the fact that I have no symptoms of Lymphoma, they aren't concerned but its not comforting because I can find stories all over of people who didn't either. I was just told Thursday we shouldn't biopsy them yet and all day I have been thinking I should call on Monday and tell them lets go ahead and do it. :weep:

11-05-13, 19:45
At the end of the day its your body, its your mind. A lot of us feel the same way that if we had a curable strain and they keep saying you have no symptoms then it gets advanced then thats what is the most worrying. You have to explain that to your doctor and say that health anxiety aside you would like a blood test/scan and its your entitlment to have one. Good luck :)