View Full Version : new and scared to post i only want to hear positive things but been please

11-05-13, 19:29
hi im alex im 22 have suffered from anxiety for around 2 years now but over the past 6 months it has been a nightmare , i currently take mirtazipine 30mg at night which helps control the depression side of things and helps me sleep but i also started taking quietiapine 25mg then they upped it to 100 mg twice a day i honesty has been through hell and back it upsets me that i cant get my life back on track im just so upset and anxious all the time i mostly phone ambulances and its so frustarting for my family and friends to understand what happenes inside my body. i just wish so badly that my anxiety would dissapear forever i have tried cbt therypy and everything hopeless and have turned to self harm.

11-05-13, 19:44
Hi Alex (again!)
Welcome to the forum, I'm sure you'll find this really useful. I'm sorry you've been going through this - I can completely understand where you're coming from. I felt like I was in hell a couple of months back, but it is starting to get better. You say you've been there and back, so just remember you can get through this. It's really hard for other people to understand - that's what I'm finding hard to come to terms with. I've been trying all sorts to help, and to be honest I don't know which one is working!
Recently I've tried:
Eating regularly to keep my blood sugar levels stable
Eating a little bit of dark chocolate daily (a member suggested this to me and I started a couple of days ago)
Using CBT4PANIC http://ct-online-info.com/ - I've found this particularly helpful
Posting on here, as it really helps to know you're not the only one going through this
And of course the AD from the doctor

Maybe some of this will be helpful for you, if I think of anything else I'll let you know! Fell free to PM me if you need to chat.
Best wishes, Sue x

11-05-13, 19:51
thanks sue yer i take antidepresents alongside an antiphycotic which is also for anxiety just wish my body would accept that these tablets i cant go out side the house anymore its sad just wish there was a miricle cure i had cbt last year but i wernt as bad as i am now. they even volutry put me in a mental unit to try an stablise me on my tablets for anxiety but the staff wasnt very understanding with it unless your walking round talking to yourself they dont seem to take anxiety seriously its a awful problem to have hope your well anyway