View Full Version : Evening

11-05-13, 20:13
Hello everyone, and I'm glad to have found this forum.

I've suffered from depression and most likely anxiety as well quite possibly since childhood and definitely since early adulthood. I didn't even realise that the negative self thoughts I was having were anxiety until my last bout ... which was an interesting learning curve!

This time the thoughts are back, I can function at work but have been struggling out of work. I'm taking antidepressants (Citalopram) for the first time in many many years so one of the main reasons I'm here for is to get feedback from users on the medication.

At the moment, because I can mostly function, I tend to think I'm a fraud and that people would think that I'm faking it ... but am looking forwards to learning more on how to deal with what's going on and how to move forwards, and maybe support others too.

And my user name ... we have a lovely new front door with bevelled glass, and at certainly times of the year, and the day, the light comes through the window and makes rainbows across the room. My aim is to feel more joy at the house rainbows again :)

Kindest regards

Elaine x

11-05-13, 22:26
Hi Elaine and :welcome:
I'm sure you'll find this site helpful and comforting!
J x

11-05-13, 22:38
Hi Elaine, Welcome to NMP.

I'm exactly same as you. Have suffered with anxiety/depression since at least adolescence, possible earlier and I never knew that the negative thoughts were part of the condition. I just thought they were part of me. Like you I'm still learning and have learnt a lot from this site. I've recently started on Citalopram after being med free for 5 years.

11-05-13, 23:05
Nice to meet you Violet :) I think it might be six or seven years (or even more) since I was on pills, and it was Escitalopram (Cipralex) last time - apparently that's too expensive to prescribe these days, but apparently Citalopram is supposed to do a similar job. In some ways I'll have 'insider knowledge' because I'm currently temping as an audio typist in a mental health team. I'm looking forwards to learning more too

11-05-13, 23:19
Same here lol. I was on Escit last time too. I was prescribed them this time round also, but couldn't tolerate them!

11-05-13, 23:21
I had Fluoxetine the first time I had pills (with Post Natal Depression) but next time I couldn't tolerate them - had horrendous mood swings! Hoping for a bit of stability in the near future x

11-05-13, 23:24
Thats interesting, I've heard a lot of people say that they were unable to tolerate a med second time around. Strange isn't it? x

12-05-13, 10:58
It is rather - seems as though the way our brain chemistry work can change or that our tolerance changes x