View Full Version : can anyone give me bit of reassurance

mrs way to worried
11-05-13, 21:07
around 7 years ago i got really badly Sunburnt on my back and the middle kept itching i had a tiny freckle over the years it itches on and off but whats worrying me is its growing its now like the top of a pencil a doctor looked at it about a year ago said it looked ok i just had dry skin on my back with regards to the itching ive just caught a glimps of it in the mirror its same size but compared to the tiny freckle it was its huge

11-05-13, 21:20
Well, simply from a science point of view, most cases (by most I mean very close to 100%) of melanoma would have progressed to a very obvious extent over 7 years and would be in other parts of your body as well, so you'd have other symptoms of cancer, it isn't something that would go unnoticed for 7 years. You could show a dermatologist to be reassured about it, but I wouldn't really worry too much unless it's asymmetrical, discoloured and fairly large