View Full Version : One helluva day!!

27-09-06, 11:55
I was woken by a call at 4.30 am with my brother saying that his car had broken down at manchester airport (15 miles away) and could I come and rescue him. I don't really like driving full stop, but so far, at night and the motorway!!! But I couldn't leave my brother stranded. I stressed out about it for about 5 mins before waking my dad up and getting the AA to come out. It was a touch risky, because the patrolman wanted to see ID, but we got away with saying that my dad had just got on the plane with it!! So, I dealt with all the phone calls and directing the AA guy to my bro laying on the sofa downstairs while my dad and mrs both slept.

I then had to drive my dad to Warrington hospital at 7.00 am so that he can have a camera put in his arteries to see what they're looking like. He's got to be with someone for 24 hours afterwards in case there's any reaction, so I'm flapping about that.

Then when I came home my bro needed me to help him to tow his car from his house to the garage to be looked at. He's stressed to the max himself, because so many things keep going wrong with his car and it's costing him a fortune (which he can't afford). He said he felt like crying or ripping someone's head off- I told him that that's what everyday's like for me!! I do feel concerned for him though.

Then after that I went to the doctor's to get a sick note for work.

I've just got home and I'm waiting for the hospital to call so that I can drive back over to Warrington to go and pick my dad up again.

As soon as I got in I made a brew and popped a beta blocker. I know that stress is all in the mind, but I think you'd really have to be on top of your game to come through that lot unscathed!!

Still, I suppose I get satisfaction from helping my dad and my bro, plus I've been further today than I have done in a long time. As I was driving there I thought "I know that my depression is caused my constantly feeling so stressed/ anxious/ tense, and I know that those feelings are caused by my mind because i constatnly prepare myself for the worst to happen. I need to break that habit. I need to focus on 'goodies' and trust myself to handle any bad stuff.

Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.

27-09-06, 12:05
Wow !

You certainly have had a busy day !!
Well done for getting through it all, and well done for driving on the motorway. You should be proud of yourself today !!

Also i hope everything goes well for your dad at the hospital.




27-09-06, 12:13
Thanks Andrea. I always used to think that I brought stress on myself by making bad errors of judgment or by not thinking clearly, but sometimes we do just suffer a run of bad luck- like with my brother at the moment. I am concerned about him actually, he does seem very stressed out. I'll have to try and think of something that I can do for him to help him to relax and to know that I'm here for him.

Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.