View Full Version : dry eyes :(

help me 21
12-05-13, 01:30
Hiya all. Had dry eyes 4years ago didn't think nothing of it didn't really take drops. But march had eyes tested and said everythink was fine but had dry eyes. Didn't take them for 2weeks. Googled about dry eyes and now I'm freaked out! Said if not treated can cause problems. But don't everyone get dry eyes been taking drops every day. The ichy and soreness gos for a bit. Then comes back. Is this all in my head am I over thinking about it. Is this why I'm getting the symtoms. Who has dry eyes? X

12-05-13, 01:31
I have dry eyes, some days it's worse than others. I noticed when I don't sleep well the night before my eyes get super dry and they water a lot. They don't become itchy, but definitely dry. I don't use any drops for it, I kind of just ignore it. Don't google things, it makes it worse! If you got them tested and everything is fine, than everything must be fine. :)

help me 21
12-05-13, 01:42
Hello, thanks for the reply I carnt help it :( I google things then freak out my whole body gos numb :( I think to my self what's going on here. I had it 4 years ago. I didn't take no drops! I do now I googled it lol. Did the optican say you had dry eyes? Mine feel like them stinging like a burning sensation do you get that? I found its worse on the night time. My eyes feel heavy too I'm tired but carnt sleep at night times. Hmm could it be hayfever x

12-05-13, 02:16
Hello, I Know what you mean it's so hard not to google. I'm going through really bad brain tumour anxiety right now, and I can't help but google stuff and make things worse :(
If you've had it for 4 years, I don't think it's something too serious since it's been so long. The optician hasn't said anything about my eyes, everything is good other than a floater in my right eye. It's probably worse at night because you're tired :)
It could be hayfever, maybe just something from allergies. Don't worry too much :)

12-05-13, 02:35
Hi there,

Are you in any medication? I get really dry eyes due to the ADs I'm on. Most people get dry mouth but they affect my eyes instead.


help me 21
12-05-13, 03:39
Hiya, jen I have floaters in both eyes black blobs floating in my eyes when I look left and right if you no what I mean. Iv had them years. Its anxiety they did scare me. But I no its anxiety. I used to think I had somethink wrong like that :(. I ment had dry eyes 4 years ago. And then didn't get them checked till march then I got told had dry eyes. Pipkin I'm on anti-depressents x

12-05-13, 05:20
It may have something to do with floaters, not sure hmm. I sometimes see a flash that lasts a second, it's really weird. But like I said, I really don't think it's anything serious. :)

12-05-13, 09:36
Hi all. It had itchy watery eyes for ages. GP was treating me for allergy. Nothing worked. Routine eye test by optician found dry eyes. Was sent to consultant who tested again. it was dry eyes. Was told I had to take drops daily and ointment at night. Better getting tested by optician.