View Full Version : new member(northern ireland)

12-05-13, 02:23
Hi everyone. Tonight I suffered my first ever panic attack and its the scarest thing I've ever experienced. I suppose its been building for the last few week. Having suffered post natal depression after my first child I thought I'd be able to cope with most things but tonight was awful.
Think a mixture of lack of sleep(teething baby) and my partner away working it has taken its toll on me.
I'm sorry for the speal my adrelines still goong. the reason for this post is to find people in the same situation and to find some support. It would be nice to get some nice replies please to chat to some people if possible. Thanks for looking at my post x

Bond Girl
12-05-13, 10:48
Welcome to the site lady x There are lots of lovely people on here who can give you advice & support x stay positive x

12-05-13, 12:03
Thank you bond girl for replying.
Didn't get much sleep last night again due to my youngest being awake has anyone got any tips on how to prevent a panic attack again or things I can do to stop it getting to that extreme?
This anxiety is stopping me from wanting to go out the door. If it wasn't that I have two children and they need things I don't think I'd ever want to leave the house. If someone talks to me I can feel my face going red, my heart races so fast I think its gonna burst out of my chest and I break into a cold sweat. This isn't normal.

Bond Girl
12-05-13, 13:38
If you are concerned, go & talk to your GP. It doesn't mean you're a bad mum or not coping - it just means you need a little help & TLC, which we all do from time to time.
When you feel the anxiety rising, try & focus on something OTHER than the anxiety, maybe somewhere you felt relaxed like a holiday or at home in the garden. Take a few deep breaths & tell yourself 'it's ok, you are safe' & try to picture your 'relaxed space'. I found that the key to avoiding getting too worked up is to try not to panic & think 'oh here we go again, I'm losing it!' because that makes you worse & you then not only have the anxiety but you beat yourself up over it & feel guilty too!
Other people may have some other ideas to help x x

12-05-13, 19:44
Hi. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.

12-05-13, 19:48
Hi Vickylou and :welcome:

You have found the right place for friendly advice, support and help

13-05-13, 00:16
Hi Vicky and :welcome:
Some good tips there from Bond Girl which will work, they do for me.