View Full Version : weird heart beats

27-09-06, 12:45
hi there i am a big sufferer of ectopics which ruin my days sometimes,but today i was walking to my door when my heart went really wonky it missed beats one after the other not big thuds like little ones if that makes sense then it went really fast for a second fluttery like and then a few more missed beats one after the other again then fluttery fast beats,it went on like this for a minute ir two .it was trerifying .i had just been to the docs about my ectopics today and he said i was having them but my heart is fine,i wish he could have heard this im sure he would have thought twice.has anyone out there had this if so can you reasure me that it wont kill me as now im terrifeid of it coming back and worried it will stay beating this way and then going in to an arrythmia please help if you can thank you marcia x

i have to do it for my kids if not for myself marciaxx

27-09-06, 12:55
Sorry you have had a bad day....Im suffering like this too at the moment......last week my heart did a weird flutter-it didnt beat properly just quivered before restarting its proper rhythm...then just went mad and i took a while for my heart to slow- my doc told me i had a fast and forceful heart beat, but he said it sounded normal...didnt feel normal to me!

I worry too it will lead to some arrithmia but all we can do is believe the doctors that we are fine.....my doc has referred me to the cardiologist again (only went in may) he said i was fine
But my G.p cant tell me if these flutters are the same has ectopics
they probably are-i hope
sorry i cant be of much reassurance to you, except that i am suffering in a similar way
take carex

27-09-06, 13:04
hi marcia

the same thing happened to me last week. it scared the hell out of me, my heart seemed to go mad for a few minutes. all i can say is i'me still here and it hasn't happened again thank god. i too worry about getting an arrythmia it worries me constantly. i get ectopics and flutters all the time. the flutters i've had for years think maybe i had the ectopics to but never paid them any attention so they weren't a problem. but now i'me just fixated on them on edge all the time waiting for them. i think if i wasn't scared of them they would'nt be a problem. but how do you stop being scared of something that feels so awful. we have to be strong and ignore them and i'me sure they will calm down, even go away in time. they are just one of the many horrible symptoms of anxiety. try not to worry, i know how hard it is. thinking of you.

richard sharp
27-09-06, 13:15
when i went to see the doc today i mentioned the flutters and beats i get and the anxiety of expecting them to come at anytime and he just accepted it as part of the condition i have as he had stated previously they are not harmful but how do you convince yourself of this when its happening

28-09-06, 09:59
thanks guys for your replys it really helps.i just wish i could stop worrying about it happening again take care marcia

i have to do it for my kids if not for myself marciaxx

Two heads
28-09-06, 20:30
Hi molly!
I hope you are not suffering to much today?
I suffer the same and im even having tests done to put my mind at rest.I had one today that sped up my heart which was very strange indeed.That was the last of them.
If you are still very worried about them maybe ask your doc to refer you to see a cardio.
Good luckxxxx

30-09-06, 19:02
I've had similar problems, but after 2 24-hour ecgs (1 was completely normal, the other showed 1 blip but the doc was not concerned about it), I'm trying to forget about it.

Don't know if it's any help to anyone, but taking magnesium seemed to improve this. Now that I've stopped taking it I am noticing more funny heartbeats again, so maybe it's time to take it again. Magnesium apparently is needed to regulate the heartbeat.

01-10-06, 19:39
thanks gem i will maybe try that thanks for replying marcia xx

i have to do it for my kids if not for myself marciaxx