View Full Version : Need to leave home/move out for good.

12-05-13, 11:13
I think it's time to move out/leave home for good.
However on £13,000 a year and being a single 19 year old girl I don't see it as possible.
I hate my home life. I hate my work life. I can't live with my mother she causes me so much misery.
I have so much fun when I'm out this house it's so much better but can not stay here any longer :(.
When I was very young she would hit me, bathe me so hot I'd look like I had sunburn after a bath etc etc.
Just need a way out. A new life. New start. New everything :lac: really feeling the misery after coming home this morning she just sucks the life out of me what's left of it and makes me feel 99 not 19

12-05-13, 12:17
Are there any friends or family you can stay with for the time being? Flat sharing makes the cost of living more realistic if you have a low income.

12-05-13, 12:30
You can do it.


Right now you are worrying about what "might happen" if you move out.

With £13k a year you can find a cheap flat, or flat share.

Have faith in yourself :)

12-05-13, 13:37
It is definitely possible to move out on that salary if you move into a shared house.

Gum tree usually has lots of listing for room vacancies. I use to love living in different house shares when I was younger!

12-05-13, 14:49
Yeah you'll be able to find a flat share cheaply. I shared with friends when I went to uni and it's fun!

12-05-13, 17:15
You probably can't afford to live alone, but you could certainly afford a flat share. Have a look in your local paper and letting agents. Or if you have any friends still living with parents who have a spare room, you might get "looked after" a bit.

Moving out was the best thing I ever did for my relationship with my parents!

12-05-13, 18:04
Thanks. Yes will look around.
I have one friend whom we have been talking about moving out together and sharing a flat so hopefully it will happen. I hope so anyway :)