View Full Version : Difference between GAD and panic disorder?

27-09-06, 13:00
I always used to think that I had Generalised Anxiety Disorder because I'm so tense all the time, but reading the description GAD sufferers don't suffer from panic attacks. I do suffer from panic attacks though as well as generalised anxiety, so now I'm not sure what I've got. Does anyone know?

Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.

27-09-06, 14:05
i have gad and it is a bit of everything-health/panic/depression etc.
i have had panic with this, but it is more the uncontrollable worrying with physical feelings and overgeneralizing of things with gad, the oh my god!!, with gad you always have one more to go along with it that is often, such as panic disorder, i have depression with mine.
hope this helps

we are all stronger people after having this

24-03-07, 21:52
I have been diagnoses with both. Started with GAD which I had for years, then progressed to panic.

24-03-07, 23:23
hi im not sure exactly the difference but i did suffer from gad and it made me anxious constantly, i'd think stupid things like in the shower i'd hear a noise and be convinced it was my boyfriend leaving the house and that i was gonna fall over in the shower and break my back and no one would know and i'd be in loadsa pain... and... and... and... god, my worrying was constant, about everything, everything would always be worst case senario. i'd wake up like it and go to sleep like it... it would make me tense constantly and i did have panic attacks... now i have agoraphobia and my panic attacks are alot more direct to one situation and i can now brush away my stupid thoughts as stupid thoughts (except the agoraphobic ones...lol)