View Full Version : Burning feeling and twinges in kidney area!

12-05-13, 13:21
Hi there

My anxiety as been at an all time high this week and now it seems I'm worried about this burning/twinge in my back, simetimes it feels like its my kidney area then feels higher up

I have felt like this since I got back off my holiday two weeks ago but not everyday, do you think it's all in my head?

The pain is not bad and only comes a few times a day but now I've convinced myself that it could be a kidney infraction and I have found some antibiotics which I hope work!

Anyone else had these sort of feelings?

Jayne x

12-05-13, 13:38
Usually with a UTI it will burn when you pee, your urine might be dark, have a funny smell or have blood in it, and you would also likely feel run down or have a bit of a temperature. You'd also be running to go to the bathroom a lot. The burning sensation, feeling like you need to pee when you don't have to, and going to the bathroom more often will generally happen.

The only way you will know for certain is to go to your doctor to test your urine, it's simple and quick and they can prescribe you the correct type of antibiotic to deal with it.

It's not a good idea to take random antibiotics if they weren't prescribed to you for a particular infection. Overuse of antibiotics is never wise, and it's lot advisable to take them if you don't have an infection.

If you're really worried about it go see your doctor and I hope you feel better soon :)

12-05-13, 15:00
I am worried about it and wish it would go, I have been drinking a lot of alcohol lately do you think this could be the problem!

I also think I'm concentrating on that part of my body more now and don't know if I'm making the pains up! It's like when you talk about nits you start to Scratch your head well sort of, the antibiotics might work if not I will visit the docs next week :(

Do you think if it was a kidney infection I would feel I'll?

Thanks for the reply!

12-05-13, 16:21
Yes I've had UTIs and I felt quite sick, had a temperature and was just run down. I also had an uncomfortable feeling like I had to pee all the time, was going to the bathroom more often and had an ache across my lower back (almost like a period pains).

I have a friend who has repeated kidney infections and he gets really sick with them, very low energy and high temperatures. Some of my sisters have had blood in their urine with this kind of infection, which was alarming at first!

If you just have a bit of pain in your lower back, without any of the other symptoms then it's not very likely to be honest.

As for alcohol, yes it can definitely irritate your bladder. As can too much caffeine and sugar. If you cut back on them for a while you might find an improvement, you might also find that it helps with the anxiety too.

Sometimes in the pharmacy you can buy those test strips for testing your urine at home, it can give you a good indication if you have an infection or not. If you're reluctant to go to the doctor then maybe try these first, before taking the antibiotic. You can also get a product called Cystopurin which is one of the first things my doctor told me to take if I think I'm getting an infection. It makes your urine less acidic and can relieve a lot of the symptoms. Ask the chemist about it first, it's not good to take in certain situations like if you're on any heart medication.

I'd really advise you not to take anything that hasn't been prescribed to you for a particular problem. It's not good to take antibiotics like that, they should only be used when you definitely have an infection and then different antibiotics will work differently for different types of infections.