View Full Version : Mid back pain - muscle or pancreas?

12-05-13, 13:34
Dear all,

I'm pretty ashamed to be here again looking for support but am in the middle of some kind of episode where I just can't get back on an even keel.

Please, any advice or words of encouragement would be very, very welcome.

I've developed a dull ache on the right hand side of my back, about half-way up. It sort of moves around, sometimes it's more near my shoulder blade and at other times it's a bit lower down but it's mainly around the mid back area. It seems to be located around the muscle that runs down the right side of my spine. Last night it felt like it was twinging when I twisted but today it doesn't seem to be doing that.

I lifted a large sheet of wood about two weeks ago by myself and this back stuff started about a week ago. It's not massively painful nor is it there all the time which makes me wonder if it's a muscle strain at all. I stupidly read on one of the NMP forum posts that pancreatic cancer gives you a pain in the back...so you can guess what my overactive mind is doing. I'm convinced that the pain isn't in the muscle but deeper inside and it's the sign of cancer.

I've booked in to see a chiropractor tomorrow to see what he says about it and I'm desperately hoping that he'll convince me it's just a pulled muscle or something. My worry is that he'll say that and I'll still go on freaking that it's cancer.

For some reason this is scaring me more than normal and I'm convinced that it's something really bad.

Any thoughts would be very welcome.



12-05-13, 14:56
Hey there. I can definitely relate on the pancreatic cancer fears. I had horrible abdominal pain and back pain which are both symptoms. But after about a month, it all just went away. And that was about 3 months ago. One thing I can tell you for sure, you are 38. Pancreatic cancer at that age is so very rare it's ridiculous. Another thing, you said the pain moves around and even sometimes goes up to your shoulder blade. Right there, pancreatic cancer is ruled out. Pain from the pancreas does not move around. It is a deep searing pain in one spot and would get worse extremely quick and never go away. Not to mention, you would have many other telling symptoms! Trust me, pancreatic cancer is not worth your time or worry. I wasted a month of my life on this obsession. You don't have it and aren't going to get it. Try not to worry :)

13-05-13, 13:08
Thank you for the reply cbornet. I'm still having a hard time accepting this isn't my pancreas and still freaking out if I'm honest. I've been to the osteopath today and he said the area of my back I'm having discomfort with, was tight and he gave it a prolonged massage after manipulating my spine. I've come out and it's actually more sore now that it was before I went in.

I'm trying hard to tell myself that if it was pancreas cancer, I'd have more symptoms than a sore muscle in my back. Why can't I just accept that I might have a bad back?? Even when the osteopath agrees?