View Full Version : I don't know what to do

12-05-13, 14:14
I have had a strange feeling at the back of my mouth now for nearly 5 weeks. It feels like something is stuck there but only on the right side, some days it's not that bad others its so bad it's really distracting. It's not painful just irritating.

I have suffered from globus in the past but it feels different than normal. It all started after I have trouble with that same ear, I stupidly was trying to dig out wax with a q tip. I went to the drs who said all the wax was gone and there was no sign of injury to the ear etc but my ear still feels blocked and my throat feels weird. I am trying really hard not to think its something bad but I'm really scared, it's just not going. I don't feel like I can go Back to the dr as she has looked about 3 times and has said there is nothing wrong with throat or ear . I have constant post nasal drip too, if I blow my nose nothing comes out its completely dry but lots of mucus is always running down my throat. I have been using a neti pot to irrigate nasal passages but nothing is helping.

Does anyone have any experience of this. I am also scared to go Back to the dr as I don't want a camera down my throat or up my nose as I'm emtophobic and scared I will gag or throw up

I'm at the end of my tether with it all.
