View Full Version : Help with sleep

Ma Larkin
27-09-06, 13:02
Hi everyone, I know there are a few topics on sleep on the forum, which I have read with great interest. I have been having trouble sleeping probably all my adult life, but the past few months have been really bad.

Can anybody advise anything herbal that I could possibly take, which won't make me feel groggy in the morning (i'm a single mum of 3 with a full time job).

I have been on Prozac for about 4 months and came off Diazepam about 2 months ago. I manage to get a couple of hours sleep then something will wake me up and I just can't get back to sleep.

Any ideas would be most welcome.


27-09-06, 13:10
Why dont you try Kalms night time.....i have taken the kalms for day and they certainly make you feel sleepy if you take the recommended dose.....im sure the nighttime ones will be good-they are valerian so all herbal...you can only give them a gox

27-09-06, 13:14
Hi les,I have camomile tea before bed,and also drink it through the day to help relax.There are other teas that are just for bedtime,nice with a tea spoon of honey.[^]

Ellen XX

Ma Larkin
27-09-06, 15:07
Thanks for your suggestions. I'll try em all!!

27-09-06, 15:28
lavneder oil........
long relaxing bath???

Hay x