View Full Version : Tattoo causing lymphadenopathy?

12-05-13, 16:02
I've posted my story here before and would REALLY appreciate the feedback. The day before my first lump appeared, I got a tattoo high on my back that goes up the back of my neck halfway. It's pink and black. I have read that red is the worst, wouldn't pink be related to red? Well, that was 9.5wks ago and to this day my lymph nodes in my neck are all swollen (I have several and they have all appeared one by one over this time). I have seen about 7-8 different Dr's and keep getting conflicting opinions. I also have them above my collar bone and 2 shoddy ones on each side of my groin. None in my armpits. I have other symptoms, however I can finally admit that a majority of them "could be" (COULD be because us HA sufferers can't accept that as a 100% answer) linked to anxiety, which flared up to record breaking heights after the lumps appeared

Has anyone heard this? Despite testing all being normal, my main obsessions are lymphoma and HIV (tested negative on March 1st).

13-05-13, 03:26

Often, lymph nodes flare up when your body is fighting an infection. It may just be that your body is reacting to a foreign substance in it (i.e. the ink) and treating it as an infection. This may cause your lymph nodes to flare. It could also be that your body has created an allergic reaction to the ink (red ink is the most common of inks for people to be allergic to, this includes pink). Because the ink doesn't leave the body like most things people are allergic to (i.e. food) there is a continued immune response to fight it off. This could also potentially cause your lymph nodes to flare.

Overall, I wouldn't be too concerned by it. I have three black tattoos, and I am allergic to black ink. It's been six years since I got my first, and I've had no dire consequences :)

And remember, ALL OF YOUR TESTS HAVE COME BACK NEGATIVE! Keep repeating this to yourself :) Lymphoma and HIV are very sensitive to testing, so they would have come back positive if you were suffring from them!