View Full Version : I got my result..but then another worry

12-05-13, 17:17
Just had my result for the CT scan...thank God it came back normal..but the problem however is that i had a lowgrade fever and chills last night so i mentioned it to the doc and immediately asked for a urinalysis which came out positive of UTI.And due toour nature of endless worries i had my bP taken by the nurse and its up 147/103. and that really worries me now not that i have this UTI but the blood pressure itself.i just dont feel ok now all the worries of blood pressure coming back i used to have this obsession bout bp and i tend to take my BP 20 times every day.i just dont wanna go back to it...any comments and support needed will be appreciated alot.

12-05-13, 17:53
Anxiety is horrible, try not to worry my blood pressure is always that high when the doc/nurse takes it, not that high when I do my own at home xx

13-05-13, 05:15
I wouldn't worry about your bp, its common for it to be high if you're anxious. They would look into it further if they were worried. You're fine xx. Also, your probably extra worried because of feeling unwell with the uti. You'll feel better as soon as the antibiotics kick in. I take cranberry tablets regularly for uti's and they are fantastic for preventing them or nipping them in the bud if you start to get that tingle.

13-05-13, 09:55
thank you Jaynehal and lilharry it really gives me quite a relief with your kind words.I just don tknow how tosometimes reason out with a lot of thoughts and worries banging me from side to side i feel helpless.ill try and look for that cranberry tablets is it from the pharmacy or from homeopathic clinic?

13-05-13, 10:29
What a relief to you that CT scan was normal. The UTI will make you feel unwell. Try not to take your own BP, as this will could be making anxiety worse .:)

13-05-13, 11:13
I get the cranberry capsules from the supermarket or the pharmacy in New Zealand. They should be easy to get hold of. But always see your doctor if it doesn't go away because sometimes you need anti biotics to get rid of it. And I agree about taking your own bp - don't do it. Get rid of your monitor, its not healthy to worry about it.

13-05-13, 12:52
thanks flori i guess you guys are right its this feeling unwell that i really hate sometimes i cried to my poor husband he wanted to help but doesnt know how to.I am currently taking an antibiotic that the doc gave me for the second day now hope i get well soon as i was about to start a new job.matter is the doctor gave me a word which i literally been having day in and out he said take this antibiotic for 5 days and well have anothe urine sample if its still not good ill probably refer you to another test.OMG thankyou Doc...!!!! thanks a lot

---------- Post added at 11:52 ---------- Previous post was at 11:49 ----------

thanks a lot for adding things to my worried brain