View Full Version : mild heartburn for 4 days..scared heart probs

12-05-13, 20:31
I've had mild heartburn on and off for about 4 days and keep burping too. I've stupidly googled and now I'm scared stiff I'm having a heart attack and will die in my sleep leaving my two young children.

I keep feeling lightheaded/and a bit shaky now and then and feel I need some sugar.

I've suffered with HA for 3 years now and I'm on a low dose of citalopram
I'm tempted to ring 111 but am i being stupid. I have a dr appt on Tues

12-05-13, 20:38
It sounds like you may have some indigestion or reflux. Do you have any antiacids at home? Take some and hopefully yo might get some relief.
Hope your ok, I've been there x

12-05-13, 20:40
can heartburn be a classic sign of anxiety? i get heart palpatations too

12-05-13, 22:28
Heartburn and indigestion can be terrifying if you've never experienced it before. I recently had my first bout of indigestion and it was unlike anything I had experienced before- just terrifying. I thought I was dying for sure. But I wasn't and I was fine and I haven't had it for weeks now.

In one of my more rational moments, I realised indigestion is extremely common, especially as we get older. Think about how many boxes and bottles of Gavison and packets of Rennies etc are sold every day. I did quick straw poll of older members of my family and every one of them has experienced indigestion at differing levels, but they're otherwise fine health wise. Apparently you soon learn which foods trigger it off and learn to be careful about eating them.

I hope you feel better soon xx