View Full Version : cold blue feet

27-09-06, 13:28
hi im really worried this morning i noticed the soles of my feet were a blue purple colour and they were freezing....when i was younger i used to get a blue tinge to my hands when they were cold...now its my feet
does anyone else get this-it goes when they are warm-im worried its a circulatory problem related to my heart!
please reassure mex

27-09-06, 14:48
I've had this for as long as I can remember and when I was a kid people used to say I had pastry hands - nice and cool!! Or maybe they meant fat and doughy [:I]:(

I just bought myself the most yummy pink furry slippers to keep by the computer so when my feet get cold I can just slip them on. Its mainly when I have been sitting for a long time that I notice I have blue feet but since the same happens with all 3 of my kids too I am not worrying about it.

Love Piglet xx:D

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

27-09-06, 15:03
oh thankyou.........i have had this a while now,but only this morning became concerned about it!
its good to know im not the only one-when i was younger i used to hide my hands as i was embarassed about the colour of them!
i will try not to give my feet another thought-although my reflexologist lady always comments if my feet are cold!

04-10-06, 13:30

I also have this and sometimes my little finger goes numb i have a condition called raynauds disease (im not a doctor so i cant say you have it also) but is does sound like it, this is a harmless disease and its just where your body reacts to sudden temperature change when its cold you blood vessels contract and stop the blood flow its not dangeous at all but a good idea to wear gloves and socks when its cold.


04-10-06, 15:01
Wow that's interesting Lisa - I too get the little fingers going sort of numb, not quite but sort of.

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.