View Full Version : newbie

12-05-13, 20:46
hi my name is laura, i'm nearly 19 years old, i started suffering from stress sometime ago and now its turned into anxiety, my symptoms are, afraid to be alone, esp at bedtime, i cant stop shaking my leg when sat down, and when i get into bed anxiety really kicks in, i feel sick, i feel numb, like my arms are sort of detatched from my body (cant really explain the feeling very well) i go lightheaded like im going to pass out, and my breathing goes really heavy, i did ring and spoke to my doctor and she said its most likely anxiety/stress, and also i cant stop thinking about it and its really getting me down, im thinking that im going to die all the time when i get these symptoms, any advice would be great, on how to cope when im getting the symptoms thankyou for reading :weep:

12-05-13, 20:52
Hello Laura, hope you are ok.
Alot of those symptoms ring a bell. I am a major health anxiety sufferer.

12-05-13, 20:56
hiya, thankyou for replying, its awfall and hard to believe its anxiety.

12-05-13, 21:04
I know it's worse than a real illness. I am over that stage now, but things still aren't right.

---------- Post added at 21:04 ---------- Previous post was at 21:00 ----------

Laura I nearly didn't sleep for 3 months (Perhaps an hour a night if lucky) because I thought I wouldn't wake up. It's horrible, even had an out of body experience. So many weird things happen to you, try and do it without medication if you can.

12-05-13, 21:13
Hi Laura :welcome:

Wow you feel so similar to how I feel! I can say everything you said applies to me too.

I'm sure you will find lots of help, advice and support here

12-05-13, 21:13
thanks, i will try and cope without tablets, as ive been told they just mask everything but not cure it

12-05-13, 21:16
hi laura its bloody awful isnt it i too shake my leg keep tapping away when anxious read hypnosis books on over coming anxiety excercise its about reprogramming your brain and breaking what is called the anxiety cycle good luck x

12-05-13, 21:22
thanks bekzie, sometimes i just cry because i dont understand any of it :weep:

---------- Post added at 21:22 ---------- Previous post was at 21:16 ----------

thanks for your reply luke, i suppose if we could get these thoughts out of our head, half the battle would be won, and if it was that easy, millions of people wouldnt be like this

12-05-13, 23:46
Hi and :welcome: Laura.
I hope you find the help you are looking for on this site. I did.
Anxiety and panic are the most horrible and frightening feelings. Take all the help that is on offer, that you think will help you. It`s your choice on whether you take the tablets. Some people do find they help. Ask your gp for CBT. That helps many people too.

13-05-13, 13:06
Thanks everyone for the help, just wish i would goo doing my heading now, its soo horrible meanly i get it on a night before i go bed, just need abit of help what to do,,x

13-05-13, 13:14
Anxiety/panic is actually worse than most of the illnesses we stress about (besides the most serious of course). Sometimes, I wish I had an actual physical illness and then at least I could tackle it. Anxiety is just so flakey and adds uncertainty.

Hope you all having a better day today.
