View Full Version : Health anxiety is ruining my life

12-05-13, 21:28
I spend most of my days finding things wrong with me on google. I am not overweight, I have a fine bmi but I don't have the best diet and because I get panic attacks being in public spaces, the only excercise I can really get done is simple walking or very light work outs in my bedroom so because of this, I am convinced I am going to die.

I am always finding things wrong with me, I never feel 100% and I know anxiety gives you a lot of symptoms but I just feel like there's something deeper wrong with me. Lately, I've had a lot of things wrong from having a viral infection, tonsilitis, a rash coming up on my chest and face and I just feel as if these are all a sign of something being wrong. I am extremely panicked about my health and as my mum had a cancerous lump in her breast when she was my age, I am constantly worried about that happening to me too.

I know googling is bad but I sometimes think well if I look up this ache then it might reassure me that nothing is wrong but it's always the opposite, it always tells me it's something deadly. Cancer seems to be the thing I worry about most and I just don't know how to control it anymore. My parents get angry and shout at me for being worried all the time, I can't help it though and I just want to be able to go one day without feeling like there's something wrong with me


12-05-13, 21:41
Google is not a doctor and it will not help you, I learned that after joining this site and have not googled symptoms since. Instead try typing the symptom you are worrying about into the search bar here, it will bring up loads of posts from other people worrying about the same things you are, just knowing you are not alone will help you!
Hope you feel better soon

12-05-13, 21:48
Yes Googling is bad (I done the crime of looking up symptoms) so trying to get myself of looking up sites.

Have you been to the doctors about your anxiety. From reading about your mum with her lump when she was your age, it very understandable you are concerned about your health.

I been told be one doctor do not go online. I also worry about cancer 24/7 and extremely panicking about my health and number of trips to the doctors/walk in centre (one trip to specialist) a couple of scans

My parents also have to give me plenty of reassurance and tell me that I am fine, I think there would know if something was wrong (I don't how) my parents get angry and annoyed at times because I am also questioning everything.

I also worry about my bmi and weight a bit under for my height (my parents and I are quite skinny) weigh no matter what we eat it hard to put on weight.

I am getting some help with the doctor referring me to someone I can speak to (might need more exams) and something to get rid of aches/pains etc. I been concerned about my health more since 2012.

14-05-13, 20:45
Hi guys! I know googling is bad but I really cannot stop doing it. I am in a complete freak out ATM over me googling the symptoms of lupus because I have every symptom, I'm convinced my lymph nodes are swollen and I'm absolutely terrified I'm going to die. I wish I could stop looking things up :(

It's a relief to find out im not the only one who goes through this though

15-05-13, 19:26

I can relate to your post so much, I'm a nightmare when it comes to google and all it ever does is push your anxiety up even higher and convince you there's something seriously wrong, when in reality it's far more likely to be something benign and a lot of the time our own anxiety mimicking symptoms.

I do agree with unsure about this and would say to go to the doctor to discuss your anxiety, I'm currently waiting on CBT to try and combat HA and my doctor referred me, so it would be worth a visit if for no other reason to get some reassurance.

Take Care