View Full Version : New new member looking for opinions and advice about feelings?

12-05-13, 23:10
Hi, I joined this site because it seems there are a lot of people out there who have feelings similar to me and I'm hoping people with experience may be able to help me out.
Over the past 2 months I have felt extremely anxious pretty much constantly, it reached a peak about 6 weeks ago when my relationship broke up and it hasn't got any better since. I understand that it is perfectly normal to have upsetting feelings going through a break up but these feelings are something I haven't really experience before, anxiety to the point where it is seriously effecting my day to day life, the constant racing heart beat and palpitations which make it very difficult to breathe are what worry me the most. I get these feelings and thoughts like where will this heart beat end? What happens if it just carries on getting faster and faster, it feels like my hearts going to explode in my chest. I sweat a lot, often cold sweats, with clammy hands. I get periods of time when I can't stop shaking, for no apparent reason. I often get that nervous sick feeling in the pit of my stomach which sometimes result in me actually being sick if I can't get it under control. These are just some of the things that happen on a daily basis. These things are having a serious effect on my daily life, my job and college work as well as my social life have all took a turn for the worse as these feelings and worries just take over me more and more.
I haven't spoken to anybody about this yet because I feel like because I'm young (18) people wont take me seriously and they'll think I'm just being over dramatic. I'm scared that I won't get the response I want and so badly need, I feel like I will pour my heart out to someone telling them exactly how I feel, which to be honest I feel kinda embarrassed about and they'll respond in a way that makes me feel stupid or inadequate.
I know that anxiety and depression have been a huge problem in my family before, my nan had to be taken care off in a psychiatric hospital as a result of severe depression and anxiety and spent all of her adult life of anxiety medication (Valium I believe) and my mother also suffered from depression before I was born.
I really want to see my doctor and get a proper diagnosis and proper help if necessary but I don't want to waste their time if its just me being silly so that why I joined this site in the hope that experienced people can give me helpful feedback?
I apologise for the length of this post I just needed to get all this off my chest as this is the first time iv ever said anything about this to anyone other than myself.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, any helpful feedback will be much appreciated

13-05-13, 00:18
i can relate to what you are saying and your symptoms sound like classic anxiety symptoms
his many timedont be afraid to go to the docs they are there to help and see this many times over
just write down a diary of your symptoms and a list of questions and take that with you

frosty xx

Her Indoors
15-05-13, 12:21
Hi there,

So sorry to read how you are suffering. Please don't be afraid to see your doctor, who I am sure will be very sympathetic and will be able to help you. I suffer with anxiety and am not working and struggle to cope, it must be very, very difficult for you to work as well as battle this horrible condition.

Be kind to yourself and make an appointment, don't be embarrassed I'm sure your doctor will be very understanding. Have you got a supportive, trusted friend who could go with you and wait for you while you see your doctor?

With very best wishes and I sincerely hope you will feel better soon.

Her Indoors x