View Full Version : Fuzzy left hand feeling

13-05-13, 01:49
Hi I know fuzzyness in a hand is caused by anxiety, but its a been a whole week and every day my hand has beening going fuzzy. I'ts not constant as it comes and go which happens a few times a day or more I don't know as I don't keep track.

What is wrong with my left hand. I never had this problem until last week and its driving me nuts and scaring me a little bit.

Any suggestions or help. All is appreciated

13-05-13, 02:06
I usually get a thick stiff feeling in my hand and I find it helps if you keep your hand busy (keep it clean ) haha, but seriously just keep it busy when the sensation comes on, play a game on your phone or write something like a diary etc...just anything that is going to use the full function of your hand. If it persists it may be worth getting it checked out medically as it may be a trapped nerve however highly unlikely as you say it comes and goes. Hope this helped