View Full Version : We enjoy sex, don't we?.......

13-05-13, 02:31
I knew that title would get your attention :yesyes::roflmao:

However......we do enjoy sex (well I did!) and they are the same 'feelings' as when we are tense, anxious or having a panic attack.......heart racing, breathing quickly, sweaty palms, sweaty everything!, feeling light-headed............so how is it that one is so enjoyable and the other is so horrid??:scared15::scared15:

semper solus
13-05-13, 08:33

Could be endorphins making you feel good during sex and Adrenaline making you feel rotten when your stressed.

13-05-13, 10:51
Same for being in love! When that person walks in, your heart pumps full of adrenaline, sweaty hands, detatched from reality, but not unpleasant as it has a good cause!