View Full Version : Newbie

13-05-13, 08:39
I'm Shmivy, I'm 22.
When i was about 9 years old i suffered panic attacks after my grandmothers death, however these passed as i grew into my teens. I had a health scare about 4 months ago and since then have become obsessed with a fear of getting sick. Everything from cancer to Parkinson's. This is causing me huge anxiety and i find i can think of nothing else on a daily basis. I feel like i have reverted back to being 9 again and would love to overcome this fear.
At the moment i'm looking into trying hypnotherapy to help, if anyone here has tried it before could they let me know if it worked at all??
Driven mad at this stage

13-05-13, 09:21
Hi Shmivy and :welcome:

I have health anxiety too and am looking in to hypnotherapy also, I have quite a bit and it seems mostly successful.

I'm sure you will find lots of help, support and advice here :)

13-05-13, 09:48
Thanks Bekzie :)

13-05-13, 23:13
Hello and welcome to the site. I'm sure you'll find lots of help and support here.